It's not that I do not want to update (read: excuses) but as usual since I ni kan ala2 there's no time for me to blog...tetapi I ada banyak masa untuk lepak2 kat forum AI untuk sama2 membincangkan isu yang tengah hangat diperdebatkan masa kini..yessss..what else but Adam Lambert..muahahaha...
Yes readers...I tengah angau dengan Adam Lambert...the one and only Adam if si hadek Adam ni tereliminated (rosak bahasa ni) and not in the Final, I boikot tak nak tengok final American Idol...just like last year when my fav, Michael Johns was eliminated and I didn't bother to watch the Final..but the thing is this is the first time I giler macam ni kat peserta AI ni..the only contestant that I really dig before this was Elliot Yamin but of course ler takde ler berselera macam si hadek Adam ni...maklumlah..Elliot Yamin tu kan tak hensem, so saper ler nak feeling2 hot kat dia kannnn..heheh..
The Many Faces of Adam Lambert
And I was really disappointed with AF this year...all the pelajar (pelajar ke) takde satu pun yang ada umpphhh...takde yang melekat di hati ini...transformation it's not academy no more kannn... faculty katernya and siap ada principal bagai..senang jer sekarang ni yer nak dapat sijil kannn..but then kat luar sana pun berlambak sijil beli ni ...everyone ada degree kekdahnyer as long as you have the money you boleh masuk mana2 college yang berlambak sekarang nih and then boleh belajar ala kadar and've got a degree...but then who am I nak memperkatakan tentang pendidikan anak bangsa kita...this is a whole new topic...tak kuasalah nak berleter pasal menda nih...
Another thing is I dah 2 minggu kurang sihat..kepala asyik berdenyut jer...not migraine...just normal headache tapi berdenyut2 sampai nak tidur pun tak boleh.. I think it's the mom pun dah berminggu2 tak sihat...mula2 demam and until now she's still not that neighbours pun ramai yang demam...cuaca yang panas berbahang ni memang menyesakkan...I have to telan painkillers almost everyday because of the headache walaupun I cuba elakkan bergantung pada pills ni but then kalu tak ambik memang tak boleh buat keja...even last weekends when friends asked me to go shopping2 I declined...wah ajak shopping pun boleh tolakkkk...tak larat kekdahnyer...last week was really rough...I memang takde tenaga and really have to force myself...ada masa tu macam nak merangkak far minggu ni takdelah seteruk tu but datang pulak headache ni faktor umur...makin tua makin silap...makin tua makin banyak penyakit...hiks..
Wahhh satu perenggan didedikasikan kepada cuaca dan penyakit sahaja..heh...sorry yer readers...nanti lari kan semua peminat I my routine nowadays mesti tetiap minggu tunggu Wednesday and Thursday nak tengok is it Wednesday yet?...and I leave you with 2 videos of the amazing Adam singing "Black and White" and "Tracks of My Tears". Daaaa...