Waaahhh...is it April already? How time flies...heheh...sudah berjaman rupanya I tak hapdet blog...erkkkkk...why is it lately I always start my entry with the same sentence or ayat2 yang sewaktu dengannya. Thanks to my lone reader, Emily (glemer gitew nama), I finally decided to end the long drought and merapu meraban barang sepatah dua...
Actually I ala2 demam sekarang nih...even the voice has become kind of sexy (sexy kerrrrr) with the serak2 kering..awwww...what's wrong with me this year...badan asyik tak sihat ajer nih...eh lupa...dah kertu kekdahyer...hiks...
So this week from Wed to Fri I ader camping kat tepi pantai katernya and of course perkara yang berlegar2 dalam fikiran I sekarang ni how on earth can I watch Adam Lambert on American Idol? Boleh gitew...bukan nak fikir how to do the task assigned and menjaga peserta2 camping tu...heheh...I can only get back at 11pm and have to be at the site as early as 6.45am...eeeiiiiii..TENSENNNNNNNN...muahahaha...
And then got a course on Sat-Sun...mencikkkkk...heheh...penat2 camping korang suh mak
pegi course pulak..aper nih...actually I don't mind the work...what i mind is not getting my weekly fix of adam lambert...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Tulah korang...nak sangat I hapdet...tengok sekarang kan dah meroyan...heh...
btw...if I feel like it and in the mood, I'll try to snap some pics at the camping site kat cherating tu and post them here hoccay...