I know that I haven't been blogging for quite some time now and when I did blog, it's all about Adam Lambert...but I feel the need to write today, straight from the heart and I won't bother to edit this as usual...I mean let's face it...Do I have any readers now? What cyber friends that I have now all gone and it's not through the fault of anyone but mine alone. Yeah... bad grammar and all but that is not important enough for now.
I blog to escape from the real world which has always been full of crap but lately just when I thought life could not get any worse, it seemed that it has. I'm not the one to cry river of tears when life gets me down and I know some has it tougher than me...and is there anyone who doesn't have any problem anyway? And I'm not saying that my problems are bigger than yours though they sure feel like that sometimes but THEY ARE MY PROBLEMS so they take precedence from anyone else here.
And so I escape by living in bubbles, by idolizing Adam and Riz before this. I would flail if I heard any exciting news about Adam and if I know he's happy then I'm happy. I know some wouldn't understand this and would think I'm nuts and I'm not justifying my behaviour here. It's certainly not the entitlement that Adam talked about some of his fans... I hardly send him any twits and I hardly talk about him on any of the US forums that I lurk.
But lately I feel all the weight and pain of life upon me. Sometimes I feel like going mad from all these and all my Adamizing doesn't seem to help either. Please God give me strength...