Adeh...jenuh nak sign in taw...the reason is i simply terforget my password uols...bole gitew? confirm ler dah berzaman tuan blog nih tak masuk blog dia sendiri. Ntah, kenapa yer dia malas sangat nak hapdet blog sendiri...i pun tak tawww...hiks...
So much has happened since the last time I blogged... can't believe that this Monday Adam Lambert will be on American Music Awards... I was waiting forever for this to happen and of course, his album gonna drop on Tuesday...but me as his diehard fan cannot beli album dia bole? Tak tau ler bila CD dia sampai kat Msia nih...ntah2 kena banned pun tak tawww...because of his gayness uols...yer...adam nih sorang yang riang ria uols...get it? happy and gay? muahahaha...
Last week was hectic and full of madness I guess...the madness was all on my side of, as a result I couldn't quite keep up with all the news on Adam Lambert...yeah, that's like the most important agenda for me right now...heheh...and on that note, i tetiba tak tau nak tulis apa dah kat sini...tadi kan main mencurah2 idea...maybe it's something to do with my cat having berak atas enjin kereta tadi and I spend an hour to clean it all up and even now it still smells somewhat like shit...hishhhh..kalu ingat nak wallop jer kucing tuh but then my cats know how much I love them and tend to ambik kesempatan atas kebaikan tuan dia nihhhh...baik ke...hehehhh...kinzir punya kucingggggggg!!!!