Friday, December 30, 2011

Bila boleh tidur nihhhh

Dah sebulan lebih susah nak lelap..patutnya musim hujan ni senang jer nak tidur but pukul 3-4 pagi still tak boleh tidur...adeh...kadang ada malam langsung tak boleh tidur...macam mana ni...uwaaaaa

Sunday, December 25, 2011


If someone were to ask me what my new year resolution is, I would say, I just want to be happy!

well hello there

Let's see here whether I still remember how to update my blog after leaving it for soooo long...nearly a year, yes, a year...ok here goes...


It works!

Well, it seemed at that time that I won't but I actually miss my blog especially lately when I need a place to rant. And I don't want to use my facebook for that since my real life friends are there and twitter is not enough heheh, and, maybe I do need this blog as my health seemed to be deterioting this year, and my english, too. So here's hoping I'll be updating my blog more after this...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nobody knows

I shouldn't have let myself think...that's how I've survived all this not letting myself think...and now that I am I can't seem to shake myself out of it...I've been having headache and migraine because of this, losing sleep because of this...and so again I need my blog as a place to ease my pain...since I can never talk about this...and I don't know how...and I don't have anyone to tell anyway...

Patah hatiku
Membawa derita
Merajuklah diri
Merajuk diri
Tak tentu haluan

Patah hati ku
Membawa derita
Merajuklah diri
Merajuk diri tak tentu haluan