So here I was rushing like mad to complete the work to be submitted tomorrow. Sheeshh...everybody is celebrating and I'm stuck at home in front of the jap..bukan tetiap malam ke duk depan pc...the difference is tonight I have some job to do and the other nights I cuma duk buang masa...muahaha...adatlah manusia..ada keja sket mulalah nak mengomel...and thankfully I managed to complete everything and still got time to update this blog...what with streamyx yang macam *toot nih...I know that's its nothing new with streamyx but I thought they said everthing will be ok by today!
Oh..thanks to those who sms me just now...Happy new year to you too!
And my resolutions for the new year are:
1. To lose at least SOME weight..if not a lot at least some lahh..heheh..
2. To be a better person..cliche yang amat tapi so what..this is MY resolution kannn..menjadi rakyat malaysia yang gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang..ekekeke...but seriously, I do know my shortcomings and I hope I can overcome them..
3. To control my spending and have more savings...kann Sarah...
So Happy New Year everyone! And to Pepari, angels and my readers, (ada ke?..hiks..) I leave you with this beautiful poem by Joanna Fuchs:
New Year’s Reflections
Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when I ponder those who do,
I immediately think of you.
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