Grrrr..Mr Sarver
For something that started so strong American Idol (AI) is going downhill fast. I mean, seriously? Choosing the likes of nathaniel, norman gentle and tatiana over jamar? Yes, norman can sing but he's not in the same league as jamar..and choosing someone for the sake of some comic relief is so not funny hoccay. And nathaniel and tatiana? I'm so not going into I take that bapok nathaniel is so drama queen and combined with the annoying and irritating fakey tatiana we have the 8th season of AI uols..heh..
And we have adam lambert yang muka tasty tapi hadeks2. Can you believe it he actually sang Cher's number..ko feeling2 drag queen ke nyahhh. I do hope tatiana won't be another sanjaya where the Vote For The Worst helped pushing him through even though talent dia mediocre sajorkkk..
But one thing that annoys the hell out of me is the way they put my fav michael sarver against the AI darling and the chosen one danny gokey, the laid back and vocally talented anoop desai and saper lagi yang power2 tu in the 1st group..this is so have the best battling againt the best..yang weak tu are going to sail through when they up against talent yang lebih kurang sama dengan dia orang..well, I hope I won't be as disappointed as last year when michael johns was eliminated..we'll see what happens next. Mak pasrah...hopefully michael sarver will make it through and bergelut dengan hadeks2 dalam AI're my only hope, sarver..ko sajork lelaki gagah perkasa yang mak nampak..yang lain semua tangan terkulai..uwaaaaaaa
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