I'm sooo not looking forward to the New Year...tak mampu menerima kenyataan diri ini semakin matang heh...kan kalu teringat bole depressed gitew...so untuk mengelakkan tekanan apa kata kita enjoy video mak hadam ni (ai dah ingat2 lupa cara nak tepek youtube nih, jap cuba kita try test ekkkkk...
Eh jadi rupanyaaaaa...video yg menunjukkan keayuan adam nihhh...eh, i mean kemachoan adam nih dah lama jugak keluar tapi memandangkan peminat setia adam nih (sapa tuh? hiks...) bukanlah orang yang teramat rajin menghapdet blog dia, maka adam terpaksa ler menunggu giliran seperti orang kebanyakan juga...heh...
So banyak ler menda yg berlaku this past month, jap nak recall balik... teman seperjuangan ai yg duk kat kolumpo tu ada tolong belikan CD mak hadam kat ai, pastu ada personal problem yg ai buat2 lupa, shopping kat kolumpo beli handbag and kasut sempena tahun baru, singgah2 kedai mas kat kuantan beli jongkong mas ...eh takde ler beli jongkong...giler ke haper...mana ada duit...lainlah kalu jadi bini no 4 bung mokhtar...muahahaha...aper lagi ek...oh yer after so many years of not going to the theater, I finally caved in and went to watch the movie 2012 just for mak hadam tapi tak sanggup tunggu citer tuh habis... uols, citer nih tersangatlah boring and lembap...so, sorry adam, even for you I cannot wait until the it ends...
Emmm malas ler pulak tetiba...so kita stop sini dulu ekkkkk...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Mayday Mayday
Adeh...jenuh nak sign in taw...the reason is i simply terforget my password uols...bole gitew? muahahaha...so confirm ler dah berzaman tuan blog nih tak masuk blog dia sendiri. Ntah, kenapa yer dia malas sangat nak hapdet blog sendiri...i pun tak tawww...hiks...
So much has happened since the last time I blogged... can't believe that this Monday Adam Lambert will be on American Music Awards... I was waiting forever for this to happen and of course, his album gonna drop on Tuesday...but me as his diehard fan cannot beli album dia bole? Tak tau ler bila CD dia sampai kat Msia nih...ntah2 kena banned pun tak tawww...because of his gayness uols...yer...adam nih sorang yang riang ria uols...get it? happy and gay? muahahaha...
Last week was hectic and full of madness I guess...the madness was all on my side of course...muahaha...so, as a result I couldn't quite keep up with all the news on Adam Lambert...yeah, that's like the most important agenda for me right now...heheh...and on that note, i tetiba tak tau nak tulis apa dah kat sini...tadi kan main mencurah2 idea...maybe it's something to do with my cat having berak atas enjin kereta tadi and I spend an hour to clean it all up and even now it still smells somewhat like shit...hishhhh..kalu ingat nak wallop jer kucing tuh but then my cats know how much I love them and tend to ambik kesempatan atas kebaikan tuan dia nihhhh...baik ke...hehehhh...kinzir punya kucingggggggg!!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Guys, sorry about the rants last night...
Kekadang tuh i lupa ingatan maka terjadi ler kisah2 menggerunkan macam semalam...heheh..
To gurgurl, muz and emily, don't worry guys, mak masih normal lagi...muahaha..
Anywaysss, here's some funny pics to enlighten the day...i certainly need theseeeeee in my life right now...lol..
Welcome to the Real World
Soooo why suddenly your problem IS my problem? So you cannot have any worries unlike us normal people? So you have to burden someone else because of your inability in handling anything you consider a problem? I have enough on my plate as it is without you making it worse. Since when I have to deal with all your shit. I'm this close to slapping you...and I'm never a violent person. And I'm telling you if you have my life right now you'll be a basketcase by now...God give me strength from all the people who have it easy in life and just go berserk when life is not all a bed of roses...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rain, rain go away, come again some other day...
I know that I haven't been blogging for quite some time now and when I did blog, it's all about Adam Lambert...but I feel the need to write today, straight from the heart and I won't bother to edit this as usual...I mean let's face it...Do I have any readers now? What cyber friends that I have now all gone and it's not through the fault of anyone but mine alone. Yeah... bad grammar and all but that is not important enough for now.
I blog to escape from the real world which has always been full of crap but lately just when I thought life could not get any worse, it seemed that it has. I'm not the one to cry river of tears when life gets me down and I know some has it tougher than me...and is there anyone who doesn't have any problem anyway? And I'm not saying that my problems are bigger than yours though they sure feel like that sometimes but THEY ARE MY PROBLEMS so they take precedence from anyone else here.
And so I escape by living in bubbles, by idolizing Adam and Riz before this. I would flail if I heard any exciting news about Adam and if I know he's happy then I'm happy. I know some wouldn't understand this and would think I'm nuts and I'm not justifying my behaviour here. It's certainly not the entitlement that Adam talked about some of his fans... I hardly send him any twits and I hardly talk about him on any of the US forums that I lurk.
But lately I feel all the weight and pain of life upon me. Sometimes I feel like going mad from all these and all my Adamizing doesn't seem to help either. Please God give me strength...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
You Ruined My Life!
Just reread my last post. Wow, how cliche was that! Sorry guys. Seemed that my writing is becoming more and more cliche everyday! So basically my Adamazing does not only ruin my life and turns me into a recluse but also ruins my blog...heheh...See Adam what you have done...but I still love you anyway...muahaha...
And of course, here's some Adam:
What he's doing now...touring US:
And of course, here's some Adam:
What he's doing now...touring US:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Story of My Life
Can this day get any worse? Not sure how much I can take anymore before I completely go bananas! Even now I'm still deep in this shit! Sheesh..Funny what people will do to save their own skin...Thank God for Adam! At least I can forget all this stupidity for a while by having my Adam fix. Lame isn't it...

Why so adorable, Adam?

Why so adorable, Adam?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I'm so digging all these ballads covered by Adam. He really touched me with his interpretation...sigh*...erkkk...did I tell you how much I love Adam? Muahaha...
Adam's cover of Onerepublic's Come Home
[Verse 1]
Hello world
Hope you're listening
Forgive me if I`m young
For speaking out of turn
There`s someone I`ve been missing
I think that they could be
The better half of me
They`re in their own place trying to make it right
But I`m tired of justifying
So i say you`ll..
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
So come home
[Verse 2]
I get lost in the beauty
Of everything i see
The world ain`t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeahh
Well maybe I`m just dreaming out loud
Until then
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Everything i can`t be
Is everything you should be
And that`s why i need you here
Everything i can`t be
Is everything you should be
And that`s why i need you here
So hear this now
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Come home
Five For Fighting's I Just Love You
Lonely, yeah that's the word
I leave my heart when I leave her
The days go on forever and the nights do too
One evening out on the road
A half a world away from home
I thought she was sleeping
When the call came through
I said, Darling, it's late, is everything ok
Silence took over the room
Til she said
I... I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too
Lonely lets me be
For a while she sets me free
I close my eyes and I dream of her
She's lost in my arms
Her head on my heart
And softly she whispers the words
I...I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too
I'll never stop being amazed
How my 4-year old girl knows exactly what to say
I, I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
Cause I just love you too
I Can't Make You Love Me
I Can't Make You Love Me
Turn Down The Light
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don't patronise
Don't patronise
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something that it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And i feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
I'll close my eyes, then i won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Mornin' will come and i'll do what's right
Just give me till then to give up this fight
And i will give up this fight
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something that it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And i feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
I, I just Love You,
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
Adam's cover of Onerepublic's Come Home
[Verse 1]
Hello world
Hope you're listening
Forgive me if I`m young
For speaking out of turn
There`s someone I`ve been missing
I think that they could be
The better half of me
They`re in their own place trying to make it right
But I`m tired of justifying
So i say you`ll..
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
So come home
[Verse 2]
I get lost in the beauty
Of everything i see
The world ain`t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeahh
Well maybe I`m just dreaming out loud
Until then
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Everything i can`t be
Is everything you should be
And that`s why i need you here
Everything i can`t be
Is everything you should be
And that`s why i need you here
So hear this now
Come home
Come home
Cause I`ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Come home
Five For Fighting's I Just Love You
Lonely, yeah that's the word
I leave my heart when I leave her
The days go on forever and the nights do too
One evening out on the road
A half a world away from home
I thought she was sleeping
When the call came through
I said, Darling, it's late, is everything ok
Silence took over the room
Til she said
I... I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too
Lonely lets me be
For a while she sets me free
I close my eyes and I dream of her
She's lost in my arms
Her head on my heart
And softly she whispers the words
I...I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too
I'll never stop being amazed
How my 4-year old girl knows exactly what to say
I, I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
Cause I just love you too
I Can't Make You Love Me
I Can't Make You Love Me
Turn Down The Light
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don't patronise
Don't patronise
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something that it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And i feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
I'll close my eyes, then i won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Mornin' will come and i'll do what's right
Just give me till then to give up this fight
And i will give up this fight
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something that it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And i feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
'Cause i can't make you love me if you don't
I, I just Love You,
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I Want My Life Baaaaaaack!
Muahahaha...I'm telling y'aaalll, life as Adam Lambert's fanatic is sure exhausting! I hardly can keep up with all the news and stuff about the fantastic Adam Lambert. Woooo...did I just use the word fantastic? Corny right? Heh...Am i obsessed? Possessed? Heheh...whatever...I'm enjoying the ride now but I sure am losing sleep over this obsession of mine...oh well...

therealGlambert (his twitter account)

therealGlambert (his twitter account)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Tribe Has Spoken
Waaahhh...is it April already? How time flies...heheh...sudah berjaman rupanya I tak hapdet blog...erkkkkk...why is it lately I always start my entry with the same sentence or ayat2 yang sewaktu dengannya. Thanks to my lone reader, Emily (glemer gitew nama), I finally decided to end the long drought and merapu meraban barang sepatah dua...
Actually I ala2 demam sekarang nih...even the voice has become kind of sexy (sexy kerrrrr) with the serak2 kering..awwww...what's wrong with me this year...badan asyik tak sihat ajer nih...eh lupa...dah kertu kekdahyer...hiks...
So this week from Wed to Fri I ader camping kat tepi pantai katernya and of course perkara yang berlegar2 dalam fikiran I sekarang ni how on earth can I watch Adam Lambert on American Idol? Boleh gitew...bukan nak fikir how to do the task assigned and menjaga peserta2 camping tu...heheh...I can only get back at 11pm and have to be at the site as early as 6.45am...eeeiiiiii..TENSENNNNNNNN...muahahaha...
And then got a course on Sat-Sun...mencikkkkk...heheh...penat2 camping korang suh mak
pegi course pulak..aper nih...actually I don't mind the work...what i mind is not getting my weekly fix of adam lambert...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Tulah korang...nak sangat I hapdet...tengok sekarang kan dah meroyan...heh...
btw...if I feel like it and in the mood, I'll try to snap some pics at the camping site kat cherating tu and post them here hoccay...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Menunaikan Tanggungjawab
Hiks...menunaikan tanggungjawab katernya...Tibalah masa untuk I menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang blogger yang semakin lama semakin melupakan rumahtangga kekdahnyer...jadi mengenangkan tanggungjawab dan rumah yang bersawang ini maka dengan rasa penuh tanggungjawab I have to memaksakan diri mengemaskinikan blog yang sudah lama tidak berhapdet ini...
It's not that I do not want to update (read: excuses) but as usual since I ni kan ala2 CEO..so there's no time for me to blog...tetapi I ada banyak masa untuk lepak2 kat forum AI untuk sama2 membincangkan isu yang tengah hangat diperdebatkan masa kini..yessss..what else but Adam Lambert..muahahaha...
Yes readers...I tengah angau dengan Adam Lambert...the one and only Adam Lambert...so if si hadek Adam ni tereliminated (rosak bahasa ni) and not in the Final, I boikot tak nak tengok final American Idol...just like last year when my fav, Michael Johns was eliminated and I didn't bother to watch the Final..but the thing is this is the first time I giler macam ni kat peserta AI ni..the only contestant that I really dig before this was Elliot Yamin but of course ler takde ler berselera macam si hadek Adam ni...maklumlah..Elliot Yamin tu kan tak hensem, so saper ler nak feeling2 hot kat dia kannnn..heheh..
The Many Faces of Adam Lambert

And I was really disappointed with AF this year...all the pelajar (pelajar ke) takde satu pun yang ada umpphhh...takde yang melekat di hati ini...transformation kononnyer..eh it's not academy no more kannn... faculty katernya and siap ada principal bagai..senang jer sekarang ni yer nak dapat sijil kannn..but then kat luar sana pun berlambak sijil beli ni ...everyone ada degree kekdahnyer as long as you have the money you boleh masuk mana2 college yang berlambak sekarang nih and then boleh belajar ala kadar and loook...you've got a degree...but then who am I nak memperkatakan tentang pendidikan anak bangsa kita...this is a whole new topic...tak kuasalah nak berleter pasal menda nih...
Another thing is I dah 2 minggu kurang sihat..kepala asyik berdenyut jer...not migraine...just normal headache tapi berdenyut2 sampai nak tidur pun tak boleh.. I think it's the weather...my mom pun dah berminggu2 tak sihat...mula2 demam and until now she's still not that well...my neighbours pun ramai yang demam...cuaca yang panas berbahang ni memang menyesakkan...I have to telan painkillers almost everyday because of the headache walaupun I cuba elakkan bergantung pada pills ni but then kalu tak ambik memang tak boleh buat keja...even last weekends when friends asked me to go shopping2 I declined...wah ajak shopping pun boleh tolakkkk...tak larat kekdahnyer...last week was really rough...I memang takde tenaga and really have to force myself...ada masa tu macam nak merangkak jer...so far minggu ni takdelah seteruk tu but datang pulak headache ni...ke ni faktor umur...makin tua makin berisi...eh silap...makin tua makin banyak penyakit...hiks..
Wahhh satu perenggan didedikasikan kepada cuaca dan penyakit sahaja..heh...sorry yer readers...nanti lari kan semua peminat I ni...so my routine nowadays mesti tetiap minggu tunggu Wednesday and Thursday nak tengok Adam...eh is it Wednesday yet?...and I leave you with 2 videos of the amazing Adam singing "Black and White" and "Tracks of My Tears". Daaaa...
It's not that I do not want to update (read: excuses) but as usual since I ni kan ala2 CEO..so there's no time for me to blog...tetapi I ada banyak masa untuk lepak2 kat forum AI untuk sama2 membincangkan isu yang tengah hangat diperdebatkan masa kini..yessss..what else but Adam Lambert..muahahaha...
Yes readers...I tengah angau dengan Adam Lambert...the one and only Adam Lambert...so if si hadek Adam ni tereliminated (rosak bahasa ni) and not in the Final, I boikot tak nak tengok final American Idol...just like last year when my fav, Michael Johns was eliminated and I didn't bother to watch the Final..but the thing is this is the first time I giler macam ni kat peserta AI ni..the only contestant that I really dig before this was Elliot Yamin but of course ler takde ler berselera macam si hadek Adam ni...maklumlah..Elliot Yamin tu kan tak hensem, so saper ler nak feeling2 hot kat dia kannnn..heheh..
The Many Faces of Adam Lambert
And I was really disappointed with AF this year...all the pelajar (pelajar ke) takde satu pun yang ada umpphhh...takde yang melekat di hati ini...transformation kononnyer..eh it's not academy no more kannn... faculty katernya and siap ada principal bagai..senang jer sekarang ni yer nak dapat sijil kannn..but then kat luar sana pun berlambak sijil beli ni ...everyone ada degree kekdahnyer as long as you have the money you boleh masuk mana2 college yang berlambak sekarang nih and then boleh belajar ala kadar and loook...you've got a degree...but then who am I nak memperkatakan tentang pendidikan anak bangsa kita...this is a whole new topic...tak kuasalah nak berleter pasal menda nih...
Another thing is I dah 2 minggu kurang sihat..kepala asyik berdenyut jer...not migraine...just normal headache tapi berdenyut2 sampai nak tidur pun tak boleh.. I think it's the weather...my mom pun dah berminggu2 tak sihat...mula2 demam and until now she's still not that well...my neighbours pun ramai yang demam...cuaca yang panas berbahang ni memang menyesakkan...I have to telan painkillers almost everyday because of the headache walaupun I cuba elakkan bergantung pada pills ni but then kalu tak ambik memang tak boleh buat keja...even last weekends when friends asked me to go shopping2 I declined...wah ajak shopping pun boleh tolakkkk...tak larat kekdahnyer...last week was really rough...I memang takde tenaga and really have to force myself...ada masa tu macam nak merangkak jer...so far minggu ni takdelah seteruk tu but datang pulak headache ni...ke ni faktor umur...makin tua makin berisi...eh silap...makin tua makin banyak penyakit...hiks..
Wahhh satu perenggan didedikasikan kepada cuaca dan penyakit sahaja..heh...sorry yer readers...nanti lari kan semua peminat I ni...so my routine nowadays mesti tetiap minggu tunggu Wednesday and Thursday nak tengok Adam...eh is it Wednesday yet?...and I leave you with 2 videos of the amazing Adam singing "Black and White" and "Tracks of My Tears". Daaaa...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Have Lappy Will Travel
I seriously in need of a notebook/laptop or whatever they call it these days...not the canggih2 one...just a cheap2 one for me to do my work...if I want to buang masa hapdet blog or join the American Idol forum or gazing adoringly at pictures of my hero Adam Lembik..eh sorry, Adam Lambert, I have my faithful pc buruk ni.. But me being me, I can never be like others who can just grab anything at the stores...I have to ponder (ponder ke..heh)and think and think and taking such a looong time just to buy something that I need urgently (boleh?)and can never make up mind which notebook to buy...heheh...so guys, can you please help me making up my mind in choosing a laptop...any suggestions anyone?...and I don't want a bulky one hoccay! just small2 one but with CD drive...it seemed most of the mini laptops don't have CD drives...erkkk...ader ke orang nak bagi suggestion nih..erkkk..ader ke orang baca nihhh..muahaha..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sakit Pinggan
Eh kenapa tetiba rajin pulak nih..demam ke ni tetiba rajin pulak hapdet blog..heheh..the truth is i yam so exhausted these couple of days..and today rasa flat sesangat..dahlah asyik sakit pinggang jer semenjak dua menjak ni..Hari ni iols terasa nak blogging sebab iols nak mencari tempat untuk meringankan kepala hotak ini..aper lagi merapu meraban kat blog ler jawabnya..
I think one of the reasons that i've been having this mental block is sebabnya i cannot tell about my real job sedangkan there's a lot that I can blog about what is happening at my workplace..some that can even make me smile now..heheh..nak mengumpat boss pun boleh gitew..It's not that I cannot tell uols..tapi iols segan ler nak citer sebab iols nih hanyalah seorang coolie berbanding dengan peminat2 iols yang kebanyakannya adalah CEO, COO dan sewaktu dengannya..heheh..
So tomorrow ader majlis perpisahan yang opis lama buat untuk staf dia yang bertukar ni..aderlah beberapa orang..nak pegi pun dalam keadaan terdesak nih..yelah orang nak meraikan kiter takkan tak nak pegi pulak..malas ler uols nak tengok muka ex-boss yang susah nak senyum tu..dan dalam keadaan banyak keja ni i prefer to stay at the office rather than pegi berjoli sakan nih..tapi mesti dapat hadiah kan besok uols..motif nak pegi jamuan sebab nak dapat hadiah..ntah2 hadiah kedai 2 hengget sajork...muahaha..iols selalu berfikiran negatif kan..berburuk sangka..tak baik kannnnn..tapi iols ader masalah besar ni..tak sempat nak tempah baju mengerlip..pehal ler korang jemput lambat nih..koser...tak sempat nak jahit labuci n manik bagai ni..
Adeh sakit pinggang ni..kena stop nih..uols tau tak kitorang kan kalu sakit pinggang kekadang tersebut sakit pinggan tau..heh..tak cayer ke..kalu tak cayer cuba dengar my boss berucap..selalu tertinggal 'g' tu..muahahahah..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hilang Ingatan
Koser nih..blog sendiri pun tak ingat..sori yer uols..iols mengalami amnesia sebenarnya..selective amnesia..amnesia ini hanya terjadi apabila ia berkaitan dengan blog, forum dan social sites (read: facebook} sajer kekdahnyer..muahaha..
I'm telling u uols, tersangatlah susahnya nak memaksa diri ini yang solid molid nih untuk menghapdet blog yg vass d'vogue ini..mungkin sebabnya tujuan asal iols memblog hanyalah untuk meluahkan perasaan yang terpendam dan terbuku di hati gitew..and sekarang ni ios takde perasaan kotttt..heheh..or maybe sebab iols nih dah tak reti nak membebel2 macam dulu..heheh..
So sekarang ni fikiran tengah berserabut dengan kerja..tapi menda ni perkara biasalah kannn..it's normal uols..kalu takde keja lagi parahhh...and iols pun tenang dengan kehidupan peribadi iols..takdelah macam dulu..agaknya iols makin matang dalam menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh pancaroba ini dan boleh menerima takdir dan ketentuan Ilahi..eh apehal pulak tetiba nada hepi bertukar sayu nih..hiks..
And semalam iols telah menyambut kelahiran cucu 3 ekor..ibu kucing tu betul2 menyusahkan orang semalam..buat bising semalaman sampai iols tak boleh tidur..dahlah main lompat2 atas perut iols masa iols tengah tido..hisshhh..mamai iols hari ni pegi keja..orang lain tak tido sebab baby menangis nak susu, iols tak boleh tido sebab kucing nak beranak..boleh gitew..
Sekarang ni there's nothing much to look forward to..except for American Idol..hiks..iols takde semangat pun nak tengok Akademi Fantasia..tapi tak taulah uols..tahun lepas pun macam ni jugak..dalam takde mood nak tengok akhirnya meroyan jugak..heheh..but this year I really don't feel like watching..the only programme yg menaikkan semangat iols of courselah AI sebab ader Adam Lambert the ultimate gay, Anoop Desai and Mike Sarver..tapi iols dah makin hilang minat kat mamat Sarver ni..oohhh tidak..please don't tell me I'm falling for a gay..muahahah..minat performance dia sajork hoccay..bukan sebab muka dan badannya yang tasty dan tough macam jantan sejati tuh..unlike our very own azwana yang terserlah kegayahannya tu..hiks..
And then iols sedang bergelut ngan masalah acne and pimples..ni semua penangan skincare product yang iols terpengaruh untuk menggunakannya hujung tahun lepas..kononnya kulit akan menjadi putih dan berseri2..berseri2 apernya..habis rosak muka iols..tukar produk lain, buat facial, pakai acne gel semua tak berkesan..tensennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ..how come at this age tiba2 muncul masalah ni..sebelum ni hoccay je kulit muka iols..licin dan gebu je..gebu ke..hiks..
And satu lagi even though iols tak berjaya mengamalkan diet seperti yang dicanang2kan sebelum ini, iols dah kurangkan makan kek uols..actually iols dah 3 bulan tak makan kek secret recipe dan big apple doughnuts..amacam..kagum tak uols..tapi kan iols sentiasa terbayang2 kelazatan makanan2 itew and the other thing is..walaupun dah tak menjamah semua itew, badan iols takdenyer turun pung..makin naik ader lahhhh....uwaaaaaaaaaaa..
I'm telling u uols, tersangatlah susahnya nak memaksa diri ini yang solid molid nih untuk menghapdet blog yg vass d'vogue ini..mungkin sebabnya tujuan asal iols memblog hanyalah untuk meluahkan perasaan yang terpendam dan terbuku di hati gitew..and sekarang ni ios takde perasaan kotttt..heheh..or maybe sebab iols nih dah tak reti nak membebel2 macam dulu..heheh..
So sekarang ni fikiran tengah berserabut dengan kerja..tapi menda ni perkara biasalah kannn..it's normal uols..kalu takde keja lagi parahhh...and iols pun tenang dengan kehidupan peribadi iols..takdelah macam dulu..agaknya iols makin matang dalam menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh pancaroba ini dan boleh menerima takdir dan ketentuan Ilahi..eh apehal pulak tetiba nada hepi bertukar sayu nih..hiks..
And semalam iols telah menyambut kelahiran cucu 3 ekor..ibu kucing tu betul2 menyusahkan orang semalam..buat bising semalaman sampai iols tak boleh tidur..dahlah main lompat2 atas perut iols masa iols tengah tido..hisshhh..mamai iols hari ni pegi keja..orang lain tak tido sebab baby menangis nak susu, iols tak boleh tido sebab kucing nak beranak..boleh gitew..
Sekarang ni there's nothing much to look forward to..except for American Idol..hiks..iols takde semangat pun nak tengok Akademi Fantasia..tapi tak taulah uols..tahun lepas pun macam ni jugak..dalam takde mood nak tengok akhirnya meroyan jugak..heheh..but this year I really don't feel like watching..the only programme yg menaikkan semangat iols of courselah AI sebab ader Adam Lambert the ultimate gay, Anoop Desai and Mike Sarver..tapi iols dah makin hilang minat kat mamat Sarver ni..oohhh tidak..please don't tell me I'm falling for a gay..muahahah..minat performance dia sajork hoccay..bukan sebab muka dan badannya yang tasty dan tough macam jantan sejati tuh..unlike our very own azwana yang terserlah kegayahannya tu..hiks..
And then iols sedang bergelut ngan masalah acne and pimples..ni semua penangan skincare product yang iols terpengaruh untuk menggunakannya hujung tahun lepas..kononnya kulit akan menjadi putih dan berseri2..berseri2 apernya..habis rosak muka iols..tukar produk lain, buat facial, pakai acne gel semua tak berkesan..tensennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ..how come at this age tiba2 muncul masalah ni..sebelum ni hoccay je kulit muka iols..licin dan gebu je..gebu ke..hiks..
And satu lagi even though iols tak berjaya mengamalkan diet seperti yang dicanang2kan sebelum ini, iols dah kurangkan makan kek uols..actually iols dah 3 bulan tak makan kek secret recipe dan big apple doughnuts..amacam..kagum tak uols..tapi kan iols sentiasa terbayang2 kelazatan makanan2 itew and the other thing is..walaupun dah tak menjamah semua itew, badan iols takdenyer turun pung..makin naik ader lahhhh....uwaaaaaaaaaaa..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Year of The Hadeks2
Grrrr..Mr Sarver
For something that started so strong American Idol (AI) is going downhill fast. I mean, seriously? Choosing the likes of nathaniel, norman gentle and tatiana over jamar? Yes, norman can sing but he's not in the same league as jamar..and choosing someone for the sake of some comic relief is so not funny hoccay. And nathaniel and tatiana? I'm so not going into that..eh I take that back..si bapok nathaniel is so drama queen and combined with the annoying and irritating fakey tatiana we have the 8th season of AI uols..heh..
And we have adam lambert yang muka tasty tapi hadeks2. Can you believe it he actually sang Cher's number..ko feeling2 drag queen ke nyahhh. I do hope tatiana won't be another sanjaya where the Vote For The Worst helped pushing him through even though talent dia mediocre sajorkkk..
But one thing that annoys the hell out of me is the way they put my fav michael sarver against the AI darling and the chosen one danny gokey, the laid back and vocally talented anoop desai and saper lagi yang power2 tu in the 1st group..this is so unfair..to have the best battling againt the best..yang weak tu are going to sail through when they up against talent yang lebih kurang sama dengan dia orang..well, I hope I won't be as disappointed as last year when michael johns was eliminated..we'll see what happens next. Mak pasrah...hopefully michael sarver will make it through and bergelut dengan hadeks2 dalam AI ini..you're my only hope, sarver..ko sajork lelaki gagah perkasa yang mak nampak..yang lain semua tangan terkulai..uwaaaaaaa
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Ramblings, Episode 2
So how long has its been? Sori uols..iols ingat2 lupa iols ada blog..hiks..anyway there's nothing much happening in my life for me to blog about..wahhh alasan..heheh..kenapa ler sekarang ni iols malas ler sangat nak hapdet blog nihhh..koser nih nak memaksakan diri sendiri nak menghapdet blog sendiri..siannyer iols kan..
So now I yam so into American Idol..heheh..there's a contestant yang lawak giler uols..iols boleh ketawa terbahak2 tengok contestant ni..but the funny thing is he made it to the next round..motiffff...tak kisahlah..yang penting mak suka ler norman gentle nih..lawaks uols...ni dia punya youtube
Haha..crazy guy..pastu sekarang ni iols tak sabar nak tunggu Confessions of A Shopaholic movie ngan Gang Upin Ipin..malangnya kat tempat iols nih takde panggung wayang ler pulak..so camner nak tengok ek korang..haruskah iols beli VCD cetak rompak korang..eh lupa..zaman sekarang dah tak main VCD..sumer DVD gitew..hishhh..tapi kisahnyer iols lama giler tak tengok movie nih sumer..
Gitewlah kisahnyer..eh jangan lupa tengok Grammy besok..iols harap lagu Coldpay Viva La Vida dapat ler Song of the Year..kalu bukan Coldplay, Jason Mraz pun ok..kekdahnyer iols memang suka lagu2 Coldplay dari dulu lagi..lagu Yellow, The Scientist etc sumer best uols..tapi yang tak bestnyer lirik lagu Viva La Vida nih macam ada perkataan Roman Catholics and missionaries ajer..hmmm..boleh ke kita suka lagu macam tu uols..tapi melody dia best ler korang...
Eh lupa nak bagitau iols dah taste kat sorang peserta AI nih..harap2 ler dia lepas the next round..seb baik ler dia nih tak masuk AF..kalu tak muflis lah iols duk ngundi dia..heheh..tapi ni antara peserta yg menarik minat iols

Adam Lambert

Anoop Desai
and yang ni ler yang iols taste tapi dalam gambar ni apsal dia nampak tembam lak..heheh..

Michael Sarver
Grrrr..manly sangatlah Mr Sarver nihhh..heh..wokeh..that's all folks..wait for my next hapdet next month..muahahaha..gurau sajorkkkk..
So now I yam so into American Idol..heheh..there's a contestant yang lawak giler uols..iols boleh ketawa terbahak2 tengok contestant ni..but the funny thing is he made it to the next round..motiffff...tak kisahlah..yang penting mak suka ler norman gentle nih..lawaks uols...ni dia punya youtube
Haha..crazy guy..pastu sekarang ni iols tak sabar nak tunggu Confessions of A Shopaholic movie ngan Gang Upin Ipin..malangnya kat tempat iols nih takde panggung wayang ler pulak..so camner nak tengok ek korang..haruskah iols beli VCD cetak rompak korang..eh lupa..zaman sekarang dah tak main VCD..sumer DVD gitew..hishhh..tapi kisahnyer iols lama giler tak tengok movie nih sumer..
Gitewlah kisahnyer..eh jangan lupa tengok Grammy besok..iols harap lagu Coldpay Viva La Vida dapat ler Song of the Year..kalu bukan Coldplay, Jason Mraz pun ok..kekdahnyer iols memang suka lagu2 Coldplay dari dulu lagi..lagu Yellow, The Scientist etc sumer best uols..tapi yang tak bestnyer lirik lagu Viva La Vida nih macam ada perkataan Roman Catholics and missionaries ajer..hmmm..boleh ke kita suka lagu macam tu uols..tapi melody dia best ler korang...
Eh lupa nak bagitau iols dah taste kat sorang peserta AI nih..harap2 ler dia lepas the next round..seb baik ler dia nih tak masuk AF..kalu tak muflis lah iols duk ngundi dia..heheh..tapi ni antara peserta yg menarik minat iols
Adam Lambert
Anoop Desai
and yang ni ler yang iols taste tapi dalam gambar ni apsal dia nampak tembam lak..heheh..
Michael Sarver
Grrrr..manly sangatlah Mr Sarver nihhh..heh..wokeh..that's all folks..wait for my next hapdet next month..muahahaha..gurau sajorkkkk..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
When In Need
Waaahh...lama tak duk depan pc...sori korang...teruk kena migraine 2-3 hari ni..yelah orang ni kalu dah nak masuk separuh abad ni mulalah macam2 penyakit datang menyerang...masa muda2 bergetah dulu takde pulak penyakit2 ni semua..koser nihhh...
So nak ceritanya pasal lawatan sambil balajar ke spital kerajaan tadi...sanggup ni langgar pantang larang sendiri on pc semata2 nak mengumpat & mengutuk spital kerajaan...pagi semalam dah pegi klinik sebab migraine..sehari sebelum tu memang dah kena masa tengah hari so terus balik rumah ala2 koma tak sedar diri atas katil..tak sedar diri ke tak sedarkan diri ni..hiks..sempat tu..
Pastu pagi semalam menda tu menyerang lagi kat opis...terpaksa kacau boss tengah meeting cakap nak pegi klinik..boss pun buat muka tak koser...mesti dia ingat aku ni berpenyakit...baru jer tukar sini dah macam2 penyakit..dah lah kena marah kat Dr. Wee tu sebab dia cakap aku tak makan ubat masa kena migraine...ingat je Dr. Wee kisah zaman dahulu kala tu..
So aku balik rumah terus ala2 koma lagi atas katil..
Pagi tadi aku rasa macam dah ok jer..so pegi ler keja..tapi ntah macam mana penyakit tu datang lagi...kalu aku kena menda nih vision jadi makin lama makin kecik, ada spots semua...nampak tak nampak jer..kadang nampak macam berair je pandangan pastu kepala tu tak usah cakap ler...aku ingat nak tahan jer sakit tuh lagipun ubat pun dah makan ..tapi sampai tengah hari tak boleh jadi jugak..gelap jer pandangan ni..so aku ingat nak pegi spital kerajaan ler sebab kawan aku cakap kalu pegi spital kerajaan dia orang check darah semua..so fikir..why not..second opinion kan..mana tau ubat dia orang lagi berkesan kan..so pegilah aku spital kerajaan selepas berkurun2 tak mendapatkan rawatan kat situ..
So lepas tunggu giliran yang semestinya sampai berjanggut...aku cakaplah masalah aku kat doktor tu..boleh dia cakap ni semua pasal spek yang aku pakai...power spek tak betullah...aku pakai sesuka hati akulah, tak pakai sepanjang masa ler..suka hati je tuduh aku..malas aku nak bagitau dia aku pakai contact lense sebenarnya..2-3 hari ni je pakai spek sebab leceh sakit kepala ni..mulalah macam2 dia cakap pasal spek aku nih..aku cakap takde kaitan dengan power spek ler tapi dia terus suh aku pegi bilik tempat check vision..ok lah..aku ikut je..
Pastu lepas check vision, aku masuk jumpa doktor ni balik. Dia heran naper power spek tu ok..erkk...whatever..
Pastu aku pun cakap ler aku dah jumpa Dr. Wee ni sebelum ni and tunjukkan ubat2 dia tapi tak berkesan..sebab aku nak jalan pun macam nak rebah jer..dia tengok ubat2 tu tapi tak tau apa jenis ubat tu..and then get this..she got out a textbook! At least aku rasa ler buku teks..heheh..mulalah membelek satu2 halaman..lama wehhh..pastu tak jumpa..apalah yang dia cari...pastu dia pegi bilik sebelah..lama tu masuk balik..ambik balik buku tadi..belek2 lagi..and then "HAH! dah jumpa nama ubat tuh!!!" Muahahahahahahahahah...
Gitulah kisahnya...lepas jumpa doktor spital kerajaan ni tak payah makan ubat pun terus baik sendiri..serius..tak tipu..dalam keadaan tengah teruk tadi tiba2 jadi baik lepas sepetang bersama doktor tu..balik tumah tadi aku rasa cergas jer..and tadi aku baru makan ubat Dr. Wee tu..hiks..
*citer ni ditulis tanpa sebarang editing..kalu tak paham buat2 ler paham..heheh..
So nak ceritanya pasal lawatan sambil balajar ke spital kerajaan tadi...sanggup ni langgar pantang larang sendiri on pc semata2 nak mengumpat & mengutuk spital kerajaan...pagi semalam dah pegi klinik sebab migraine..sehari sebelum tu memang dah kena masa tengah hari so terus balik rumah ala2 koma tak sedar diri atas katil..tak sedar diri ke tak sedarkan diri ni..hiks..sempat tu..
Pastu pagi semalam menda tu menyerang lagi kat opis...terpaksa kacau boss tengah meeting cakap nak pegi klinik..boss pun buat muka tak koser...mesti dia ingat aku ni berpenyakit...baru jer tukar sini dah macam2 penyakit..dah lah kena marah kat Dr. Wee tu sebab dia cakap aku tak makan ubat masa kena migraine...ingat je Dr. Wee kisah zaman dahulu kala tu..
So aku balik rumah terus ala2 koma lagi atas katil..
Pagi tadi aku rasa macam dah ok jer..so pegi ler keja..tapi ntah macam mana penyakit tu datang lagi...kalu aku kena menda nih vision jadi makin lama makin kecik, ada spots semua...nampak tak nampak jer..kadang nampak macam berair je pandangan pastu kepala tu tak usah cakap ler...aku ingat nak tahan jer sakit tuh lagipun ubat pun dah makan ..tapi sampai tengah hari tak boleh jadi jugak..gelap jer pandangan ni..so aku ingat nak pegi spital kerajaan ler sebab kawan aku cakap kalu pegi spital kerajaan dia orang check darah semua..so fikir..why not..second opinion kan..mana tau ubat dia orang lagi berkesan kan..so pegilah aku spital kerajaan selepas berkurun2 tak mendapatkan rawatan kat situ..
So lepas tunggu giliran yang semestinya sampai berjanggut...aku cakaplah masalah aku kat doktor tu..boleh dia cakap ni semua pasal spek yang aku pakai...power spek tak betullah...aku pakai sesuka hati akulah, tak pakai sepanjang masa ler..suka hati je tuduh aku..malas aku nak bagitau dia aku pakai contact lense sebenarnya..2-3 hari ni je pakai spek sebab leceh sakit kepala ni..mulalah macam2 dia cakap pasal spek aku nih..aku cakap takde kaitan dengan power spek ler tapi dia terus suh aku pegi bilik tempat check vision..ok lah..aku ikut je..
Pastu lepas check vision, aku masuk jumpa doktor ni balik. Dia heran naper power spek tu ok..erkk...whatever..
Pastu aku pun cakap ler aku dah jumpa Dr. Wee ni sebelum ni and tunjukkan ubat2 dia tapi tak berkesan..sebab aku nak jalan pun macam nak rebah jer..dia tengok ubat2 tu tapi tak tau apa jenis ubat tu..and then get this..she got out a textbook! At least aku rasa ler buku teks..heheh..mulalah membelek satu2 halaman..lama wehhh..pastu tak jumpa..apalah yang dia cari...pastu dia pegi bilik sebelah..lama tu masuk balik..ambik balik buku tadi..belek2 lagi..and then "HAH! dah jumpa nama ubat tuh!!!" Muahahahahahahahahah...
Gitulah kisahnya...lepas jumpa doktor spital kerajaan ni tak payah makan ubat pun terus baik sendiri..serius..tak tipu..dalam keadaan tengah teruk tadi tiba2 jadi baik lepas sepetang bersama doktor tu..balik tumah tadi aku rasa cergas jer..and tadi aku baru makan ubat Dr. Wee tu..hiks..
*citer ni ditulis tanpa sebarang editing..kalu tak paham buat2 ler paham..heheh..
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sorry guys, just don't feel like writing anything. My problems and my everyday life are nothing compared to the heartbreaking situation in Gaza.
I can't read the papers without crying...can't watch the news without weeping...even though my tears are worthless, I just can't help feeling the pain...
I can't read the papers without crying...can't watch the news without weeping...even though my tears are worthless, I just can't help feeling the pain...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sooo..what to write...macam ada mental block pulak. Eh macam ler aku nih penulis siap ada mental block bagai nih... I can be quite delusional sometimes...heheh. Well, for what its worth, I do have two books under my belt...macam tak percaya kan...even though ai bukan ler penulisnya, cuma menterjemah isi kandungnya sahaja...at least ada jugak nama yang vogue lagi vass ni kat buku tu kan...wahhh...tetiba je masuk bakul angkat sendiri nihhhh...pehal lak nih...heheh...or maybe since there's nothing exciting or happening enough in my life right now for me to blog so terpaksa ler citer kisah yang berlaku setengah abad yang lalu...hahh tu jelah citernyer...koser buang masa syok sendiri kan...heh..
Sebenarnya minggu nih lesu jer memalam...asal malam mesti tak larat...asal tak larat mesti memalam...muahaha...sebenarnya bukan apa...semenjak dua menjak ni manjang jer tak berapa nak sihat...tapi yg herannya siang ok jer...boleh jer berkerja dengan daddy kasi tapi biler malam jer terus lemah longlai...kisahnya sekarang ni tak lalu nak makan pagi..tengah hari baru rasa lapar tapi masa tu segala angin dah masuk so kenalah gastrik sampai malam...hari2 macam nih...tapi yang herannya berat tak turun2 pulak...heheh...
Begitu ler citernyer...tak syok kan korang nak baca...internet pun dah jarang bukak sekarang...setakat check email and berhai2 & bye2 ngan pepari barang seminit dua dan jawab komen dan chat yang konstruktif dan membina daripada peminat2 kat blog ni...muahaha...
Eh satu lagi nampak gayanya macam nak kena beli notebook jer...setakat ni ai ada pc sajorkkkk...keja sekarang nih rasanya memang sangat2 memerlukan notebook/laptop nih...nak kena survey dululah...beli yg murah2 jer...ai ni bukannya berduit macam si Sarah yg ada collection laptop yg canggih2 gitew...heheh...ok ler korang...nak kena baring2 nih...sib baik kat tganu besok dah tak keja kekdahnyer...
P/s: I'm a woman hoccay..bukan sesuatuh..muahaha..
Sebenarnya minggu nih lesu jer memalam...asal malam mesti tak larat...asal tak larat mesti memalam...muahaha...sebenarnya bukan apa...semenjak dua menjak ni manjang jer tak berapa nak sihat...tapi yg herannya siang ok jer...boleh jer berkerja dengan daddy kasi tapi biler malam jer terus lemah longlai...kisahnya sekarang ni tak lalu nak makan pagi..tengah hari baru rasa lapar tapi masa tu segala angin dah masuk so kenalah gastrik sampai malam...hari2 macam nih...tapi yang herannya berat tak turun2 pulak...heheh...
Begitu ler citernyer...tak syok kan korang nak baca...internet pun dah jarang bukak sekarang...setakat check email and berhai2 & bye2 ngan pepari barang seminit dua dan jawab komen dan chat yang konstruktif dan membina daripada peminat2 kat blog ni...muahaha...
Eh satu lagi nampak gayanya macam nak kena beli notebook jer...setakat ni ai ada pc sajorkkkk...keja sekarang nih rasanya memang sangat2 memerlukan notebook/laptop nih...nak kena survey dululah...beli yg murah2 jer...ai ni bukannya berduit macam si Sarah yg ada collection laptop yg canggih2 gitew...heheh...ok ler korang...nak kena baring2 nih...sib baik kat tganu besok dah tak keja kekdahnyer...
P/s: I'm a woman hoccay..bukan sesuatuh..muahaha..
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A Whole New World
It has been raining non-stop these few days
And I love it
Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated by the rain
by the sound of the rain
by the drops of the rain
For me, rain represents everything good in my life
And my life is changing
Is it for the better?
Only time will tell
The new day is rising
and I just can't wait...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year Everybody!
So here I was rushing like mad to complete the work to be submitted tomorrow. Sheeshh...everybody is celebrating and I'm stuck at home in front of the pc...eh jap..bukan tetiap malam ke duk depan pc...the difference is tonight I have some job to do and the other nights I cuma duk buang masa...muahaha...adatlah manusia..ada keja sket mulalah nak mengomel...and thankfully I managed to complete everything and still got time to update this blog...what with streamyx yang macam *toot nih...I know that's its nothing new with streamyx but I thought they said everthing will be ok by today!
Oh..thanks to those who sms me just now...Happy new year to you too!
And my resolutions for the new year are:
1. To lose at least SOME weight..if not a lot at least some lahh..heheh..
2. To be a better person..cliche yang amat tapi so what..this is MY resolution kannn..menjadi rakyat malaysia yang gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang..ekekeke...but seriously, I do know my shortcomings and I hope I can overcome them..
3. To control my spending and have more savings...kann Sarah...
So Happy New Year everyone! And to Pepari, angels and my readers, (ada ke?..hiks..) I leave you with this beautiful poem by Joanna Fuchs:
New Year’s Reflections
Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when I ponder those who do,
I immediately think of you.
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