Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Where was I? heheh...entry sebelum nih terbantut sebab ada rombongan lain pulak sampai kat rumah...rupanya perkataan rombongan tu telah menkonfiuskan peminat2 mak kat sini...korangs...rombongan tuh bukan rombongan meminang....tapi kalu rombongan meminang best gak kannn..heheh...eh sat nak garu belakang nih..gatal pulak uols...rombongan tu ialah rombongan family adik beradik mak yang balik kampung bercuti ler...hishhh..korang nihhh...
Actually I'm not in the best of mood right now...naper ler aku ni sekarang ni emo sangat ek...susah ler kalu asyik down macam ni...susah jiwa raga dan batiiiiin nih...koser nak layan feeling2 nih...nampak gayanya antara azam tahun baru aku nih termasuk ler mengawal perasaan yang selalu mendung kelabu nih...eh ada ke azam macam tuh...
So tadi aku jumpa ler kenalan dan rakan taulan yang baru...dan seperti biasa lidah ku kelu untuk berkata...tadi masa ada makan2 pun kalu ikutkan hati aku nak ciao jer tapi aku paksakan diri aku untuk mingle2 ngan 2-3 orang kat situ...aku dapat bayangkan muka aku yang senyum paksa tuh...heheh...
Salah satu sebab yang membuatkan aku macam malas nak mingle nih sebab semua orang duk sibuk tanya kenapa aku tak kawin2 lagi...mencikkkk...apa...korang ingat aku nih alien from outer space ke...mak manusia biasa yang ada perasaan tau...siap ada sorang minah nih cakap kat aku takpe maybe jodoh aku kat tempat baru tu tapi kat situ kebanyakan staf laki dah kawin...WTF...apa ko ingat mak nak cari mangsa kat situ ke...nyahhhh...mak mintak tukar bukan sebab nak cari jodoh ler weiiii...sentap nihhhh...sentappppp makkkkk...muahahaha...
Tak tau ler besok macam mana...kena berlakon lagi ler jawabnya...biasa ler kannn...tempat baru...ai slalu kagum dengan orang yang cepat mesra dengan sesiapa saja nih...macam mana ek korang buat...how I wish I'm like that...tapi macam kata salah sorang pengunjung blog mak nih...curio nama dia...saper ntah dia nih...nama meletops...heheh...jangan mesra sangat...nanti kena buli...a'ah kan curio...betul tuh...kalu buat mesra sangat kan nanti orang pandang semacam pulak...pehal minah nih...psiko ke...
Pastu tadi ada sorang minah nih siap komen kasut yg mak pakai tadi...my brand new wedges...sib baik mak tak pelangkung dia dengan wedges tuh...komen pasal handbag mak lah...aku buat muka seposen jer walaupun dalam hati aku nak gelak jer tadi...hiks...
So terima jelah...actually ai tak kisah sangat pun sebab baru first day...lepas ni sure ok...walaupun ai akan mengambil masa berbulan2 untuk mesra dengan dorang...bila dah mesra pulak terus jadi over...heheh..
Eh dah banyak dah merapu meraban nih...So soalannya di sini berapakah kata ganti nama diri yang digunakan dalam entry ini untuk menggambarkan diri penulis? Muahaha...apa nih...kejap aku, kejap ai, kejap mak...koserrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Monday, December 29, 2008
It's been a while isn't it...ai ni dah ala2 lupa yang ai ni ada blog kekdahnyer..heheh..apa nih..lupa blog sendiri.. been quite busy lately (ye ke busy..ke lazy..hiks..) to do any entry or chat with pepari and angels...and I have a big day tomorrow...meeting my new colleagues for the first time. And ai yam sooooo nervous uols. I'm not the peramah2 one kalu mula2 jumpa...people tend to regard me as kind of aloof and sombong maaaaa kalu mula2 jumpa...doakan ai besok ek..heheh..
So kisahnya sejak dari minggu lepas lagi banyak rombongan yang sampai kat rumah. Sebagai adik bongsu yang kertu mak terpaksalah layan dia orang semua kannn...gitewlah kejanya...dulu masa memula balik keja kat kampung ulu ni mak tensen ler jugak sebab dah macam ala2 bibik dah...from being ala2 CEO to a bibik katernyer...muahahaha...mak tensen uols...tapi itu kisah dulu...sekarang ni ai dah matang dan boleh menghadapi segala dugaan dan cabaran yang datang melanda...heheh...waahhh ayat...
Eh lupa..I've read two more of sophie kinsella's works. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Remember Me. Hmm..Shopaholic Takes Manhattan is not as enjoyable as Confessions of a Shopaholic and somehow I didn't quite like Remember Me... eh..jap...ada satu rombongan lagi baru sampai...sambung karang ler jawabnyer...
So kisahnya sejak dari minggu lepas lagi banyak rombongan yang sampai kat rumah. Sebagai adik bongsu yang kertu mak terpaksalah layan dia orang semua kannn...gitewlah kejanya...dulu masa memula balik keja kat kampung ulu ni mak tensen ler jugak sebab dah macam ala2 bibik dah...from being ala2 CEO to a bibik katernyer...muahahaha...mak tensen uols...tapi itu kisah dulu...sekarang ni ai dah matang dan boleh menghadapi segala dugaan dan cabaran yang datang melanda...heheh...waahhh ayat...
Eh lupa..I've read two more of sophie kinsella's works. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Remember Me. Hmm..Shopaholic Takes Manhattan is not as enjoyable as Confessions of a Shopaholic and somehow I didn't quite like Remember Me... eh..jap...ada satu rombongan lagi baru sampai...sambung karang ler jawabnyer...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Confessions of A Book Addict
After much persuasion from Alys, my felow pepari..erkk..alys, why is it your name always pops up in my entry?..heheh...I've bought The Undomestic Goddess at Mesra Mall (it was the only Sophie Kinsella's book there) and after devouring the book in a day, (wah such a big word..hiks) decided to go to East Coast Mall Kuantan to get her other books...but instead of buying all her books, I decided to take only two as a precaution..what if she's not that good in the other books..who knows I'm not like the masses who simply lurveee the shopaholic series kannn..
So I got myself Can You Keep A Secret and Confessions of A Shopaholic..actually I was looking for Remember Me but it was not at the shop and after much hesitation I said to myself "oh, what the hell..just get the damn book!" (err..please ignore some words there)and bought the book.
It's not that i didn't know that it's a good book..I've heard of the book for ages it seemed..it's just that I don't want to buy the shopaholic series...i know I WOULD SIMPLY have to read all the books in the series..and guess what..I now have to go Kuantan again to find the other books..hishhh..like I don't have anything better to do..erkk..ader ke..heheh..
And I have to say this..I simply, simply LUUUURVE Confessions of A Shopaholic..I was giggling and laughing while reading the book...oh, what a book!..no wonder everyone loves it...the other two books are also good but the shopaholic book is the best! And now I can't rest until I have all her books...muahaha..
Saturday, December 20, 2008
True Blue
I'm feeling out of sorts these couple of days... I sometimes get into this pensive mood that would left me all depressed and melancholy and I can't seem to shake myself out of it...oh well...it seems I'm human after all...
Oh to be a child again
where everything was so innocent
where life was so uncomplicated
where I didn't have a care in the world
Then I won't be in this sombre mood
and thinking of what ifs...
Only I can come up with such crap poem in this mood...heheh..
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Gambo lagi
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Baked Banana Fritters
Muahaha...wahh..apekah itew..cekodok pisang bakar uols..atau dalam bahasa tganunyer jemput2 pisang bakar..heheh...
Citer nih citer beberapa hari yg lepas uols...ai malas nak hapdet blog kekdahnyer...so jadiler citer past tense...hiks...
Alkisahnya last thursday malam jumaat tuh..waaahhh malam jumaat..heheh.. ai masuk dapur tengok ada pisang dua tandan kat dapur...camner tawww boleh tak nampak pisang yang dah berhari2 kat situ..tak nampak ke buat tak nampak...pisang tu hasil kerja bercucuk tanam mak ai pastu dia letak kat dapur sebelum ikut ahkak dan abang ai ke kuala ganu...ai dah tensen dah masa tu sebab kalu mak ai ada boleh ler dia buat apa2 yg patut kan...buat cekodok pisang ke..bagi jiran sebelah ke...so sebab dah malam takkan ler ai nak ketuk umah jenjiran semata2 kerana pisang dua tandan nih kannnn...so nak mengelakkan dari pisang ni rosak ai pun tetiba jadi kreatif ler...errkk...kreatif kerrr...
pisang nan dua tandan
Ai ingat lagi tahun lepas time2 hujan gini ai rajin ler jugak buat kuih...yang ai ingat ai ada buat apple pie dua kali...walaupun dua2 kali tuh tetap tak jadi sebab every time ai duk roll dough nak cover inti pie tu mesti dough tu pecah2..penat roll tak jadi jugak...heheh..so hasilnya memang buruk ler uols..naper yer masa tgk program masak2 dia orang buat macam senang jer...as easy as ABC..muahaha...lepas tu ai buat fruit cake...yang ni senang jelah..apa lagi ekk..aahh fruit n date scones...cream caramel pudding tu banyak kali jugak ler ai buat walapun tak cantik macam orang lain buat...lantak ler asalkan sedap kan uols...sedap ker...heheh..
Tapi tahun ni naper ntah satu pun ai tak buat...eh apernya tak tau...sebab sibuk bertenet ler uols...ekekek...so malam tu camner ntah tetiba terajin ler nak buat kek sket walaupun takde bahan2 yang diperlukan...
So pas dinner ai pun mula ler buat keja tak berpekdah..ai kopek semua pisang yang dah masak ranum letak dalam bekas...
overdose pisang ler pulak
Pastu ai lenyek2 ler satu pertiga pisang yg ai kopek tu...banyak taww ai lenyek..camner ler nak buat kek terlebih pisang nih..lantak ler..heheh..dah overdose pisang kekdahnyer...
pisang yang dah dilenyek
And then ai cari buku resepi.. cari resepi kek pisang nih...belek2 tengok takde kek pisang...banana bread ader ler..pastu banana bread pun memang tak cukup bahan uols...sumer bahan tu takde...so sebab ai malas nak on tenet nak check resepi dalam tenet ai pun main campak2 jelah apa yg ada...heheh..
gigih tuh tgk resepi bagai walaupunnnn...
So campak butter, telur, caster sugar and brown sugar, lemon juice, soda bikarbonat ngan tepung gandum...ni sumer resepi sendiri tawww..ai main campak2 jer mana yg ada kat dapur...ai check self-raising flour ada tapi dah expired katernye...pastu ai tengok walnut ada satu packet...nak letak tengok dah expired...muahaha..sumer dah expired...seb baik tuan dia belum expired...eh belum ke...muahaha..then kaco sampai sebati..
yg putih2 kat bekas tuh tepung gandum yg ai tabur lepas letak butter tak nak bagi lekat kek
And then terus masuk dalam oven...apa lagi bakar ler...
motif gambo2 nih pun nak amek..heheh..
Pastu sambil tunggu masak ai ym ngan mila yg kat JB tu..bestfren ai masa kat penang dulu..tunggu masak tak masak..masak tak masak..berapa jam nak kena bakar nih..hihi..so akhirnya walaupun lembap ai anggap kek nih dah masak ler..Actually memang dah agak dah sebab banyak letak pisang...so ai pun tukar ler nama kuih nih..jadi ler cekodok pisang bakar...heheh...biler dah masak memang moist giler...so inilah hasilnyer...
gelap jer cekodok pisang bakar nih..hiks..
jemput makan uolsssssssssssss
Monday, December 15, 2008
More Than Words
I'm supposed to sleep early tonite tapi mata nih tak boleh lelap pulak dahh...so merayap2 sana sini...pastu tengok blog sendiri pun dah lama tak berhapdet kekdahnyer...
Naper ntah tetiba lagu Leaving On A Jet Plane terngiang2 di telinga mak...pastu rajin ler pulak cari youtube lagu ni...tapi youtube pulak buat hal...takleh bukak...so mak tepek je lirik dia hoccay..the original version lagu ni by John Denver but I think I like Linda Nanuwil's version better..pengaruh AF kan uols..lagipun John Denver tu ala2 geek sket kannn uols..heheh...macam Beverly Hillbillies kan...hiks..yang mak tau John Denver ni nyanyi lagu Take Me Home Country Road tu ajer..lain tak tau..tau pun sebab zaman kecik2 ahkak mak ader pasang lagu dia nih..heheh..erkkk..tak boleh citer banyak2 kan korang tau mak nih dah kertu...muahaha...
John Denver
Leaving On A Jet Plane
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Evry place I go, Ill think of you
Evry song I sing, Ill sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Tapi actually kan uols sampai sekarang lagu fav mak masih lagi tak berubah dari dulu dan selamanya..aper lagu tuh..drum rollss pls...More Than Words by Extreme..by Extreme hoccay..not by any other bands or singers...ai geli dgr version lain esp yg westlife cover tu...nobody can beat Extreme in singing this song yer..
More Than Words
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
Its not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldnt have to say that you love me
Cos Id already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldnt make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now Ive tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close dont ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldnt have to say that you love me
Cos Id already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldnt make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
I think I'd better go to sleep...kan tak terbangun besok...aiseyman naper ler mata nih segar bugar pepagi buta nihhh...
Naper ntah tetiba lagu Leaving On A Jet Plane terngiang2 di telinga mak...pastu rajin ler pulak cari youtube lagu ni...tapi youtube pulak buat hal...takleh bukak...so mak tepek je lirik dia hoccay..the original version lagu ni by John Denver but I think I like Linda Nanuwil's version better..pengaruh AF kan uols..lagipun John Denver tu ala2 geek sket kannn uols..heheh...macam Beverly Hillbillies kan...hiks..yang mak tau John Denver ni nyanyi lagu Take Me Home Country Road tu ajer..lain tak tau..tau pun sebab zaman kecik2 ahkak mak ader pasang lagu dia nih..heheh..erkkk..tak boleh citer banyak2 kan korang tau mak nih dah kertu...muahaha...
John Denver
Leaving On A Jet Plane
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Evry place I go, Ill think of you
Evry song I sing, Ill sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Tapi actually kan uols sampai sekarang lagu fav mak masih lagi tak berubah dari dulu dan selamanya..aper lagu tuh..drum rollss pls...More Than Words by Extreme..by Extreme hoccay..not by any other bands or singers...ai geli dgr version lain esp yg westlife cover tu...nobody can beat Extreme in singing this song yer..
More Than Words
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
Its not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldnt have to say that you love me
Cos Id already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldnt make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now Ive tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close dont ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldnt have to say that you love me
Cos Id already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldnt make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
I think I'd better go to sleep...kan tak terbangun besok...aiseyman naper ler mata nih segar bugar pepagi buta nihhh...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What in The World???
I was blog-hopping and came across this blog post by Patrick Teoh and soon found myself laughing so hard that tears were running down my face. Adeh, sakit perut ketawa... I gotta..no, I NEED to share this with my readers (walaupun boleh dibilang dengan jari, katernyer)...Lor, what in the world is happening to our english? To say this is atrocious is an understatement! Read on people and tell me what do you think. It's a bit long and all credit goes to Patrick Teoh for sharing this with his readers. I hope he doesn't mind me putting this on my blog.
It's a page from the official website of the National Registration Department or Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia:-
1. I'm 17 year old, when should I change my identity card replacement?
A person whose had got first-time identity card namely during old 12 year, are required change again his identity card when have reached the age 18 year. If this change made within life time 18 - 25 year, no any penalty imposed.
2. I already 25 year old and still not have my own identity card. What shoul I do?
To them not yet own identity card although already aged more 16 year are advised to come to any nearby NRD to apply identity card past record. Applicant and promoter must showed up together to be interviewed, bringing with together following documents:- Applicant Born Certificate (tu dia..born certificate katernyer..hiks..)/ AnakAngkat's Certificate / W's Form Or Applicant Enter Permit / Confirmation Form National Standard(if concerning) Promoter Identity Card
3. I a foreign citizens and have gotten permit of entry from Jabatan Immigration Malaysia. Whether I qualified to apply identity card? What is conditions for I apply identity card.
You qualified to apply identity card with permanent resident status(Red). Applications requirements is bringing with permit of entry and passport and copy both of them and application fee as many as RM 40.00. Applications can be made in NRD Putrajaya Headquarters and NRD Branches only.
4. Is there any payment am being imposed in case happened damage for chip in my identity card.
Chip damage who is not due to purposely destroyed, misuse and others within one year from the date of submission card is give replacement by free, and if card period has been held by the applicant exceeding one year, payment as many as RM 10.00 imposed.
5. How many payment am being imposed if I loss identity card?
Lost identity card would be charged follow loss number. Please see payment schedule.
6. How long MyKad's application period can be completed?
MyKad can be completed within 24 hours as applicant whose opted to take MyKad in NRD Putrajaya headquarters. For applicant opted to take MyKad in any NRD branches office in Peninsula of Malaysia, then MyKad would be completed within 10 working day while 30 working day for applicant opted to take MyKad in any NRD branches office in Sabah, a Sarawak or Labuan. MyKad's charter completed this only involve applications from Warganegara Malaysia and prayer not problematical only.
7. Could I change address without change my identity card?
If I can how many rates imposed? Yes. With payment RM2.00 and new address information would be updated inside chip. If you want change identity card one time, the charge is RM10.00 .
8. Is it NRD receive payment other than cash ?
Yes, NRD comply accept payment electronically namely via credit card, card debit and MEPS. However, there were limit minimum sum accept to payment via credit card there is as many as RM 50.0
# What is NRD's website?
NRD website is abbreviation to official web National Registration Department. NRD website make major world to information and national registration department service through Internet.
# Why this website been created?
Latterly, information and service majority National Registration Department has been prepared by online and NRD website been created to provide convenience to the public find information and service that are provided.
# Whom were allowed surf and use this website ?
Generally, this website could be achieved by all society. However, there were some information and service that need registration.
# What is privacy policy for this website? Am I been recorded or not?
All access and your use up on this website shall not be recorded. To further information, please visit to 'Privacy Policy And Safety Policy' in bottom of each page.
# What method for I contact National Registration Department?
You can contact us:-
Public Relations Office
Tel: 03-8880 8206 / 7071 / 7077 / 7067 / 7069
Fax: 03-8880 8288 atau
Email: pro@jpn.gov.my
# How should I sent my feedback to Goverment Agencies?
You can fill form in the division "Public Complaint System " In NRD website. It would be channelled to the divisions relating.
So what do you think guys? Blame it on the education system?
It's a page from the official website of the National Registration Department or Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia:-
1. I'm 17 year old, when should I change my identity card replacement?
A person whose had got first-time identity card namely during old 12 year, are required change again his identity card when have reached the age 18 year. If this change made within life time 18 - 25 year, no any penalty imposed.
2. I already 25 year old and still not have my own identity card. What shoul I do?
To them not yet own identity card although already aged more 16 year are advised to come to any nearby NRD to apply identity card past record. Applicant and promoter must showed up together to be interviewed, bringing with together following documents:- Applicant Born Certificate (tu dia..born certificate katernyer..hiks..)/ AnakAngkat's Certificate / W's Form Or Applicant Enter Permit / Confirmation Form National Standard(if concerning) Promoter Identity Card
3. I a foreign citizens and have gotten permit of entry from Jabatan Immigration Malaysia. Whether I qualified to apply identity card? What is conditions for I apply identity card.
You qualified to apply identity card with permanent resident status(Red). Applications requirements is bringing with permit of entry and passport and copy both of them and application fee as many as RM 40.00. Applications can be made in NRD Putrajaya Headquarters and NRD Branches only.
4. Is there any payment am being imposed in case happened damage for chip in my identity card.
Chip damage who is not due to purposely destroyed, misuse and others within one year from the date of submission card is give replacement by free, and if card period has been held by the applicant exceeding one year, payment as many as RM 10.00 imposed.
5. How many payment am being imposed if I loss identity card?
Lost identity card would be charged follow loss number. Please see payment schedule.
6. How long MyKad's application period can be completed?
MyKad can be completed within 24 hours as applicant whose opted to take MyKad in NRD Putrajaya headquarters. For applicant opted to take MyKad in any NRD branches office in Peninsula of Malaysia, then MyKad would be completed within 10 working day while 30 working day for applicant opted to take MyKad in any NRD branches office in Sabah, a Sarawak or Labuan. MyKad's charter completed this only involve applications from Warganegara Malaysia and prayer not problematical only.
7. Could I change address without change my identity card?
If I can how many rates imposed? Yes. With payment RM2.00 and new address information would be updated inside chip. If you want change identity card one time, the charge is RM10.00 .
8. Is it NRD receive payment other than cash ?
Yes, NRD comply accept payment electronically namely via credit card, card debit and MEPS. However, there were limit minimum sum accept to payment via credit card there is as many as RM 50.0
# What is NRD's website?
NRD website is abbreviation to official web National Registration Department. NRD website make major world to information and national registration department service through Internet.
# Why this website been created?
Latterly, information and service majority National Registration Department has been prepared by online and NRD website been created to provide convenience to the public find information and service that are provided.
# Whom were allowed surf and use this website ?
Generally, this website could be achieved by all society. However, there were some information and service that need registration.
# What is privacy policy for this website? Am I been recorded or not?
All access and your use up on this website shall not be recorded. To further information, please visit to 'Privacy Policy And Safety Policy' in bottom of each page.
# What method for I contact National Registration Department?
You can contact us:-
Public Relations Office
Tel: 03-8880 8206 / 7071 / 7077 / 7067 / 7069
Fax: 03-8880 8288 atau
Email: pro@jpn.gov.my
# How should I sent my feedback to Goverment Agencies?
You can fill form in the division "Public Complaint System " In NRD website. It would be channelled to the divisions relating.
So what do you think guys? Blame it on the education system?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Those Were The Days
From being lazy I decided to blog about something that is close to my heart.
Before joining pepari n rizfc I used to read books, in fact, I was addicted to reading. I couldn't live without books...I ate, slept, breathed books...yes people, I was a book junkie.
It started while I was a kid...I would read all the books at home...I remember reading a book entitled Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa for want of something to read...muahaha...and I would go to the library every day to read and borrow books. I simply love Enid Blyton's books at that time. I think I have read all her books, not only the adventures ones but all kinds of titles. She must have hundreds of them!
Enid blyton
Some of Enid Blyton's works
At that time I also read comics. I remember reading The Adventures of Tintin and laughing my head off at Tintin and captain Haddock's antics. And not to forget the Thompson Twins! Heheh...They can still make me laugh even now.
The Cast of Tintin
And of course we have our very own Dato' Lat. I love Lat's comics like Kampung Boy and such...who can forget such characters like mamat and epit..
Then my taste matured somewhat...I began to read Harold Robbins's books and such...all kinds of books that I managed to get my hands into at the library...Then my sister brought home Mills & Boons' books (or trash as my brother used to say) and there began my love affair with MB. I love reading MB because the books aren't taxing to read and I can finish a book at one go.
Then while in college I think I read more romance than the books that I should be reading...heheh...then while working I discovered authors like Susan Elizabeth Philips, Karen Robards, Lisa Kleypas etc. Then coming back to my hometown I was at a loose end until I stumbled upon ebay! Soon I was buying books online every month until I joined pepari and rizfc and suddenly I don't have time to read anymore...heheh..and save some money some more...heheh...
Now I find that I miss my books but I know I will neglect my virtual friends because once I continue with this hobby I tend to forget about other things till I finish a book.
And until now Susan Elizabeth Phillips remains a fav author of mine. Hmm...it's time to find her newest book and other authors' as well.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lazy bug
It has been a while I know. The fact is I'm just too plain lazy to do any blogging lately. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right...not just blogging but to do ANYTHING at all...heheh...blame it on the weather, people! muahaha..
Actually I was watching Buletin Utama but was very irritated by the male newsreader...errkk...do we say newsreader or newscaster...heheh...I think newsreader is more apt in this case. But seriously, what in the world was he mumbling about??? Pleaselah...you're a newsreader not a newsmumbler! (muahaha...I know there's no such word but I'm just too annoyed with TV3 for choosing him in the first place to read the prime time news! You should be reading not mumbling the newslah...hishhh...see people..things like this can easily annoy me...So in the end I just couldn't stand watching the news and decided to update my blog instead...muahaha...should I be thanking the man in question? heh...
So do I need to blog about my trip last week? Somehow writing about this man manages to excite me more than writing about our jalan-jalan to KL..heheh..We didn't do anything much except jalan-jalan to places like Ikea, Mid Valley Megamall, KLCC and so on. And rather than staying at our brother's place at Ampang, we decided to stay at Duta Vista instead. Here's a few pics of the place.
I didn't buy much this time around but managed to grab two handbags at Robinson. One is Nine West handbag just like Alys, my fellow KTLian suggested, (KTL-Kelab Takde Life-kelab underground @Pepari for people yg takde life like us..hiks..) and another is Cottonfield handbag.
Nine West
My sister also bought two handbags but I forgot to snap pics of her bags. Other than that, bought some kitchen stuff at Ikea and baju2 for my neighbours who took care of my cats while we were away. Yes people, I breed cats...muahaha...I have a family of cats that seems to expand and expand and annoys my mom to no ends...heheh...but she's the one who takes care of them when I go to work. Actually she's the one who suggested that we have a cat to chase away the mice and she's the one who found a pair of them and what do you know suddenly we have 7 of them...heheh...and they dont' seem to do their jobs properly, heheh... and me being me, just couldn't help but to spoil them...muahaha...
Erkk...where was I? I do tend to get carried away when blogging, isn't it?... hiks...and btw while I was in KL, auntysms, a dear friend @rizfc send me two pics of my idol's new look...hensemmmm...thanks a lot aunty..here's the pics...
saper mamat hensem nih?
Nearly forgot to tepek this pic that I took on the way back..a very blurry pic of the scenery..hehe..
That's enough writing for someone who's bitten by the lazy bug I think...daaaaaaa
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