It has been a while I know. The fact is I'm just too plain lazy to do any blogging lately. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right...not just blogging but to do ANYTHING at all...heheh...blame it on the weather, people! muahaha..
Actually I was watching Buletin Utama but was very irritated by the male we say newsreader or newscaster...heheh...I think newsreader is more apt in this case. But seriously, what in the world was he mumbling about???'re a newsreader not a newsmumbler! (muahaha...I know there's no such word but I'm just too annoyed with TV3 for choosing him in the first place to read the prime time news! You should be reading not mumbling the newslah...hishhh...see people..things like this can easily annoy me...So in the end I just couldn't stand watching the news and decided to update my blog instead...muahaha...should I be thanking the man in question? heh...
So do I need to blog about my trip last week? Somehow writing about this man manages to excite me more than writing about our jalan-jalan to KL..heheh..We didn't do anything much except jalan-jalan to places like Ikea, Mid Valley Megamall, KLCC and so on. And rather than staying at our brother's place at Ampang, we decided to stay at Duta Vista instead. Here's a few pics of the place.

I didn't buy much this time around but managed to grab two handbags at Robinson. One is Nine West handbag just like Alys, my fellow KTLian suggested, (KTL-Kelab Takde Life-kelab underground @Pepari for people yg takde life like us..hiks..) and another is Cottonfield handbag.
Nine West
My sister also bought two handbags but I forgot to snap pics of her bags. Other than that, bought some kitchen stuff at Ikea and baju2 for my neighbours who took care of my cats while we were away. Yes people, I breed cats...muahaha...I have a family of cats that seems to expand and expand and annoys my mom to no ends...heheh...but she's the one who takes care of them when I go to work. Actually she's the one who suggested that we have a cat to chase away the mice and she's the one who found a pair of them and what do you know suddenly we have 7 of them...heheh...and they dont' seem to do their jobs properly, heheh... and me being me, just couldn't help but to spoil them...muahaha...
Erkk...where was I? I do tend to get carried away when blogging, isn't it?... hiks...and btw while I was in KL, auntysms, a dear friend @rizfc send me two pics of my idol's new look...hensemmmm...thanks a lot's the pics...

saper mamat hensem nih?
Nearly forgot to tepek this pic that I took on the way back..a very blurry pic of the scenery..hehe..
That's enough writing for someone who's bitten by the lazy bug I think...daaaaaaa
kita sama la lake, suka kucing tp skrg kucing akak kena dok kampung sb nk pindah sabah. sian dia.....sedih je muka, monyok, mcm tau nak kena tinggal.
ye ke zana..siannyer..abeh tinggal kat saper kucing tu..kalu sy mesti nanges..zana nak pindah sabah ke..biler
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