From being lazy I decided to blog about something that is close to my heart.
Before joining pepari n rizfc I used to read books, in fact, I was addicted to reading. I couldn't live without books...I ate, slept, breathed books...yes people, I was a book junkie.
It started while I was a kid...I would read all the books at home...I remember reading a book entitled Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa for want of something to read...muahaha...and I would go to the library every day to read and borrow books. I simply love Enid Blyton's books at that time. I think I have read all her books, not only the adventures ones but all kinds of titles. She must have hundreds of them!
Enid blyton
Some of Enid Blyton's works
At that time I also read comics. I remember reading The Adventures of Tintin and laughing my head off at Tintin and captain Haddock's antics. And not to forget the Thompson Twins! Heheh...They can still make me laugh even now.
The Cast of Tintin
And of course we have our very own Dato' Lat. I love Lat's comics like Kampung Boy and such...who can forget such characters like mamat and epit..
Then my taste matured somewhat...I began to read Harold Robbins's books and such...all kinds of books that I managed to get my hands into at the library...Then my sister brought home Mills & Boons' books (or trash as my brother used to say) and there began my love affair with MB. I love reading MB because the books aren't taxing to read and I can finish a book at one go.
Then while in college I think I read more romance than the books that I should be reading...heheh...then while working I discovered authors like Susan Elizabeth Philips, Karen Robards, Lisa Kleypas etc. Then coming back to my hometown I was at a loose end until I stumbled upon ebay! Soon I was buying books online every month until I joined pepari and rizfc and suddenly I don't have time to read anymore...heheh..and save some money some more...heheh...
Now I find that I miss my books but I know I will neglect my virtual friends because once I continue with this hobby I tend to forget about other things till I finish a book.
And until now Susan Elizabeth Phillips remains a fav author of mine.'s time to find her newest book and other authors' as well.
Nyah.. rajin ko nyah.. mak sujud ratu nihh..
mak pun baca novel gak.. tp alaf21 punya sajork.. itupun ehsan dari opismet mak yang laki dia keje kat sinun.. dapat la dia diskaun. kalau tidak, mak rasa dia pun ala-ala tak pandang novel2 ni..
ko tau nyah.. cite alaf21 ni kan ala-ala hoccay sajork.. tapi nama author dia veri de vogue, vast meletop sume ader.. nanges ko tgk nyahh.. setakat nama tasek cini tu..deme tak pandang..
novel alaf21 tu apekemenda..pasal angkasawan nak ke bulan ke..heheh..nanti ler nyah mak usyar..mana tau best kannn..
eleh ingat tak laku ke nama tasik nyah..ko tau tak mak pun ader buku tau..tapi guna nama sebenar ler..x main ler tasik2 nih..terkejut takkkk..
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