After much persuasion from Alys, my felow pepari..erkk..alys, why is it your name always pops up in my entry?..heheh...I've bought The Undomestic Goddess at Mesra Mall (it was the only Sophie Kinsella's book there) and after devouring the book in a day, (wah such a big word..hiks) decided to go to East Coast Mall Kuantan to get her other books...but instead of buying all her books, I decided to take only two as a precaution..what if she's not that good in the other books..who knows I'm not like the masses who simply lurveee the shopaholic series kannn..
So I got myself Can You Keep A Secret and Confessions of A Shopaholic..actually I was looking for Remember Me but it was not at the shop and after much hesitation I said to myself "oh, what the hell..just get the damn book!" (err..please ignore some words there)and bought the book.
It's not that i didn't know that it's a good book..I've heard of the book for ages it's just that I don't want to buy the shopaholic series...i know I WOULD SIMPLY have to read all the books in the series..and guess what..I now have to go Kuantan again to find the other I don't have anything better to do..erkk..ader ke..heheh..
And I have to say this..I simply, simply LUUUURVE Confessions of A Shopaholic..I was giggling and laughing while reading the book...oh, what a book! wonder everyone loves it...the other two books are also good but the shopaholic book is the best! And now I can't rest until I have all her books...muahaha..
wah shopaholic katanya... memang pun kan. remember we shopped in KL in 1997, merdeka eve, then i lost my wallet then lady diana died...
eh i met matdong 2 weekends ago. he's been asking about me from a cousin who is his officemate. OMG he's almost blind! I took him out for supper and dia makan tomyam & telur dadar. Dia makan bersepah mengalahkan budak cos he can't see!!!! I felt like crying...
Dia selalu teringat things we did and had at Sec 17!!!! eg ayam percik, yongtaufu, tengok wayang kat mana etc... He lives with his 80+ year old mom. He bought a persona which his brother stole from him. His bro used to drive him to work but they had an argument and the bro took his car away.
btw mawi-ekin is soooooo over. hahahha
sorry, anoher comment... oops
Utusan: RTM hanya lulus lagu berunsur nilai moral
KUALA LUMPUR 23 Dis. - Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) hanya meluluskan lagu berunsurkan nilai moral dan kesantunan bahasa di samping aspek teknikal yang dipersetujui oleh Jawatankuasa Panel Penilai.
"Lagu-lagu yang dihantar ke RTM sama ada individu atau syarikat rakaman adalah tertakluk kepada Jawatankuasa Panel Penilaian Lagu-Lagu RTM," kata RTM dalam satu kenyataan hari ini untuk menjelaskan mengapa lagu puisi Aku Bukan Musuh Harta karya bekas Mufti Perlis, Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin dianggap tidak sesuai untuk siaran. Lagu itu merupakan salah satu dari lapan buah lagu puisi Dr. Asri yang dimuatkan dalam album Yang Benar Tetap Benar nyanyian Kopratasa dan beberapa penyanyi lain.
Listen to the song here:
matdong is almost blind? kenapa? what's wrong with his eyes? now i pulak yg sedih..and kenapa his bro sanggup buat macam tu..hishhh..i tak tau dah nak cakap apa..i kesian sangat kat dia..
eh u ingat ek kita shopping2 in 1997..i dah tak ingat was such a long time ago..otak i ni susah sket nak ingat menda2 yg lama tu..kenapa yer..
I ingat sebab wallet i hilang masa balik tu!! and then the following morning masa nak pegi polis stesen buat report, berita kematian lady D keluar kat TV. That was the first time i hilang IC (hilang permanent). Masa sekolah pernah hilang tapi lepas sebulan ada orang pulangkan... Second time i hilang IC, malam Sept 11!!! Balik beli barang kat supermarket, sampai rumah perasan wallet takde. Lepas tu tengok TV, live Sept 11!!!!! So ada 2 insiden besar yang berkait dengan kehilangan IC I, dan keluar shopping dengan you tu sampingan sajer.... hehehhe
Matdong - entahla.... kat ofis, dari cerita my kazen, and termasuk dia sekali la, semua orang macam tak kawan dia... yelah dia macam tu... dahla sebelum ni dia siap masuk rumah sakit jiwa, sebab dia minum clorox. dia ada scizophrenia (betulke ejaan?) dia dok dengar voices whispering to him. Masa mula2 dulu dia cakap siap Bush bercakap dengan dia!!!!
That weekend i keluar ngan dia tiap hari. Wpun lepas 1st time tu i rasa tak nak keluar dah, tapi i kesian. Dia siap cakap "lamanya tak jalan2 macam ni..." Tapi ada hati nak masuk disko & cari bf!!!!! Nafsu tetap nafsu hahahhaha
BTW, matdong ingat semua benda masa kita kat uni ok!!!! I rasa he lives in such a small world with too few friends... We should count our blessings.
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