Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Riz @ Kemuncak Aidil Fitri

Well..tadi masa aku online je aunty buzz aku mintak tolong tepek gambo kat forum riz's aku okke jer..kecik tapak tangan..sila sambung sendiri nilah hasilnya..thx auntyyyyy..kenyang tengok gambo nihh..muahaha..

Eh..aku nak amek kesempatan ini utk wish hepi besday to lalink fellow pepari..sori ekk sarah lambat wish..have a very happy besday and may all your dreams come true sarah..such as becoming mrs.torres..ekekeke..

nah amek kek..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Riz @15

Malasnyer..tapi sbb tak nak menghampakan permintaan dari peminat2 aku..kan alys kannn..heheh..maka aku tulis ler sket2 kat sini hoccay..berlagak nihhhh...

Ptg tadi ksweet post kat pepari riz nak chat kat @15 mlm nih..kul 8.30 aku pun tunggu le dia masuk..tapi dlm duk tunggu2 tuh sempat main2 sms ngan kekawan tgk2 dia dah ada..biler ntah dia masuk..heheh..

Pastu aku tgk karpet bukan main laju giler..aku nampak ler peminat setia riz kat sana..kakjahku a.k.a pijahsayangmama..heheh..pastu ada crownriz a.k.a shasha yg glemer tuh..siap anto gambo dia ngan riz lagi kat situ..lieahashim org kuat rizfc pun ada..

Yg kelakarnya rockmama siap merajuk2 lagi sbb riz tak nampak msg dia..aku perasan riz nih kalu kakjahku tuh kan main lagi dia layan..muahaha..

Pastu Riz seperti biasa menghilang dari karpet tuh..lama jugak..pegi toilet..lama pulak tuhh..masuk2 je dia tanya rockmama still ada lagi ke..aku pun sms rockmama ckp riz cari dia..terus mama masuk chat riz layan le mama..heheh..bole gitew..

Yg pastinya aku takdenyer nak chat kat @15 tuh..malas ler aku..tak koser..tgk je..

Tapi ada info yg riz bagi tadi..

1. Single baru dia mungkin kuar bulan depan..dia mintak fans dia doa2kan mintak2 jadi le..

apa lagi ek..

2. Dia ada pegi penang arituh 2 sbb tu dia tak boleh luangkan masa kat majlis seloka nadia lupa nak cakap nadia pun ada chat tadi..

3. Nadia cakap riz ada set rambut..rebonding gitew..nadia ngan mp (aku tak suka mp hoccay..hipo giler) usik2 riz psl rambut baru dia tuh tapi riz tak layan..heheh..

Yang aku perasan masa dia masuk balik dia cakap dia pegi toilet..toilet apa riz lama giler..aku pasan masa dia masuk balik si mp tuh pun masuk balik..siap cakap lagi riz nih rupanya baik orangnya..lepas borak baru tau..tapi aku tak percaya kata2 mp nih..dia kan pandai bermuka2 dpn org..mati aku kalu mp masuk sini..huhuhh..ada ke mod glemer nak masuk sini..perasannnn..

Okke..tu aje kot..lupa ler apa lagi dia org tapi tadi riz ader layan peminat2 dia yg ajak pegi dating..gatal gak ko riz ekk..muahaha..

Apa lagi ekk..aku dah tak ingat apa lagi dia org ciao cincau..muahhhh..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Greeting Earthlings

Welkam Pepari..welkammm..heheh

Angel Food Cake with strawberry, blueberry and orange sauce

Heheh..jemput masuk uols..terharu gitew korang sanggup mencemar duli kat blog syok sendiri aku nih..kan alysss kannn..muahaha..

Yelah..jenuh aku pomot kat umah pepari..terpaksa ler korang masuk sini kann..nanti kan kecik ati lakkk..

So posting nih mak tujukan khas buat Pepari yg masuk siniii..

Dash..yelah kad raya ko tuh Riz siap tulis nama ko lagi kannn..takpe nyah..mak tak jeles ke tak jeles nihhh..heheh..

Gurgurl..ko ler org pertama masuk chatbox mak tawww..

Sarah..ko ler org pertama tinggal komen kat comment aku tawww..

Qis..ko ler org pertama tau psl blog syok sendiri nih..and org pertama link blog mak nihhh..muahaha..sumer pertama2 gitew.

Alys..motif ko ckp blog aku nih syok sendiri..tapi aku terharu ler ko sudi gak masuk sini wpun sibuk ngan open house kannn..

DDDDDDDDDDD..oohhh..masuk umah pepari jadi SR je ekkkkk smlm..aku takdenye nak tepek2 gambo aku kat sini nyahh..kan peminat2 aku lari pas tgk gambo aku..koser..

Anje..motif wish devali kat makkk..mak takde bf india tawww..

Heart..tenkiu sudi mencemar duli kat sini..thx 4 the vc yaa..

Hide..ko pun sudi masuk sini nyahhh..wahhh nak nanges nihhh.. aku memang takde life..nak wat camner..uwaaaaa..

Damia..cantik kannn background nihh..heheh..

Ksweet a.k.a. penaung..tenkiuuuu mintak link tuhhh..tak sangka taw org kuat riz nih sudi tanya sal blog akuuuuuu..

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Muahaha..over takkk..actually gambo2 nih dah lama ada ngan aku..cuma aku malas je nak scan bagai..sebabnya aku tak penah pun scan n upload gambo dlm internet..biasanya aku snap guna hp kokak aku je pastu tepek kat porem..heheh..lagipun aku tak tau guna scanner nihh..bole gitewww..scanner ada tapi tak tau nak malam nih aku cuba ler..rupa2nya senang giler uolss..clear gitewww..muahaha..tu ler..lenkali explore ler wehh..apa nih beli watper kalu malas nak guna..

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Favourite pic of the moment..

Of Being a Riz's AF6 Fan

Heheh..ermm camner nak mula ekkk..aku mula2 tuh tak perasan pun si riz dalam konsert af6 nih sebab aku tak tgk mana pun menda alah ni..bila aku tau je AC mizal yg akan jadi host aku pun terus takde mood nak tgk af tahun ni..potong stim aku tak pokes konsert af n diary nih memula tuhhh..

Pastu camner ntah aku boleh suka kat riz nih..aku pun tak pasti bila..for sure bukan awal2 af ler..masa konsert bila ntah..yg aku ingat aku cam nyampah tgk diary yg asyik cari salah si riz nih pastu aku mula ler pokes kat dia..kira cam nak tlg insan yg teraniaya ler..heheh..

Pastu aku pun dah ala2 minat lak kat dia..smpai ler skrg..heheh..mulalah beli paper n mags yg ada gambo dia..gigih tuuu..muahaha..berporem sampai tak ingat donia..pastu perasan lah yg dia tuh kita yg punya..bole?..heheh..nih ala2 minat je ke dah parah nihhh..muahaha..tak kesah ler..mak tak kesah nyahhh asal mak tak kaco org..

Hah satu lagi kawan2 aku ramai yg tak suka dia..bila dia org tau aku suka mamat nih ada ler yg siap hantar sms nak ngutuk2..aku ingat lagi sekali tuh sampai nak gaduh lite2 ngan member lama aku kat kl tuhh..siap kuar ayat2 power gitew..seb baek aku cepat insap..kalu tak terputus ler hubungan kitorg yg dah berbelas tahun terpelihara tuhh..sori ekk H*****..ko nih mulut kdg2 ngalahkan pompuan tau..biasanya aku tak kecik ati ngan ngko sbb dah biasa tapi camner lak bila isu riz nih aku bole jadi sensitip gitew..muahaha..

One of the best thing about being his fan aku mula berjinak2 dlm dunia porem (spelt F-O-R-U-M heheh) and join fc lagiiiii..bole gitewwww..tak koser tawww..we'll get back to that later pasal minat punya pasal aku mulalah buat menda2 yg tak penah aku buat selama ini..such as terikut2 guna bahasa ntah apa2 kat internet asyik nak larik tajuk je aku nihhh..

So for the moment memang riz ler artis yg aku minat..harap2 minat aku nih tak luntur ler..tapi biasanya aku kalu dah minat kat org tuh aku setia punya..heheh..

So Riz there's a lot of things that I like about you..yg penting..aku suka mata ko yg seksi tuhhh..huhuh..dun wori uols..riz nih taraf adik aku je..memandangkan aku nih takde adik..aku amek dia jadi adik aku jelah..heheh..wpun tuan punya badan tak tau tak kisah ler.. wpun dlm berhadek2 nih ada gak ayat2 merembes kat porem..muahaha..tapiiii itu merapu meraban je..

Pastu aku suka keramahan lak aku tau dia nih ramah..penah jumpa ke..muahaha..aku suka suara dia..aku suka gaya dia..aaahhh senang citer aku sukaaaa lah diaaaaa tu..muahaha..tapi aku bukan peminat membabi buta tau..aku still kutuk2 dia kalu dia pakai baju yg aku tak suka ke..heheh..

So riz..if you happen to read this (berangan gitew)..harap2 ko kekalkan sifat ko yg membuatkan peminat ko sukakan ko tuh..jgn lupa diri okke..we as fans will always support u okke..

Of Being a Pepari

Okke..apekemenda pepari nih..muahaha..

Well..pepari nih is a bunch of people yg bertenggek kat forum cari and bertukar-tukar pandangan pasal org yg sama (waaahh..ayat)saper tuhh..yes..u guess it..rizzzzz..heheh..setakat nih ramai dpd pepari nih tak penah jumpa pun tapi ada gak yg dah kenal memasing..

Aku mula2 join pepari nih lepas habis AF6..masa tuh aku cam mati kutu sbb macam ada something missing je..pastu singgah2 kat porem tuh seperti biasa baca gossip2 pastu termasuk lak board af..pastu camner ntah rasa mcm seronok lak baca posting dia org pastu rasa mcm nak join le pulak..ditambah plk masa tuh aku tgh ada krisis sket so tgh cari tempat nak relieve tension..

Pastu terpaksa ler menregister diri kat porem tuh..slama nih bertahun2 aku jadi SR kat board gossip tuh tapi takde rasa nak join2 dia org..heheh..minat punya pasal kannnn..

And then I got to know ramai dpd pepari nihh..ada yg dari Brunei, Penang, Perak, Pahang, Kolumpo sudah tentu dan byk tempat lagi..and i have to say I betul2 enjoy my time with them kat porem tuh..kalu ada masalah sket kalu lepak sana mesti terus lupa segala masalah..pastu bole tgk gambo2 hensem riz..muuahaha..pastu bole ngutuk sesama sendiri..heheh..

I must stay ini pengalaman baru yg mmg menyeronokkan..walau apa yg terjadi pasnih..tak tau le kan..we never know what will happen after this..maybe lepas nih sorang2 menghilang dari porem tuh..i have to say i really appreciate the experience..kdg rasa rapat sgt dgn mereka..wpun tak penah jumpa kann..and aku selalu merapu meraban kat sana tak kisah ler psl riz ke apa..yg pasti kalu pasal riz tuh mmg menda2 yg tak penah aku cakap kat org lain di luar sana..muahaha..nak mampussss...

So to all my pepari friends..thank you for the friendship..i really appreciate it..kdg2 kan aku rasa aku lebih menghargai korang lagi dari riz sendiri..muahaha..bole gitew..lappppp u guyssssss..

000 - RIZ
001 - adieha
002 - komPANGG!!!
003 - britney_sapiah
004 - Maya2020
005 - sweetmm
006 - miss_qistina
007 - myralupilato
008 - HeavenLeigh
009 - sarahriz
010 - BeeBuzz
011 - ajami
012 - aiwa9
013 - shanew3stgalz
014 - Hanee
015 - renee
016 - wordlife
017 - fantasy_gurl
018 - audioslavefan
019 - soulfly
020 - shoryu
021 - smcjt70
022 - addya
023 - orglama
024 - ugly_duckling
025 - syabee
026 - watachiwa
027 - eye_of_ophelia
028 - juanaperez
029 - gepren
030 - AiZatHazWani
031 - fredbok87
032 - WoNbinGf
033 - hezzach
034 - m8
035 - rinie87
036 - mrs_teratai
037 - Herlina
038 - miss_match
039 - adsweet
040 - posh76
041 - darin
042 - walkstar
043 - luv_boril
044 - archilless
045 - seri_wan
046 - jayjazz
047 - ayushuhada04
048 - t10k
049 - alyssasarah
050 - Diamondy
051 - tqida80
052 - ratubayu
053 - jaja_95103
054 - hilmi henney
055 - ahtzue
056 - noryla
057 - silverose
058 - mira
059 - fab5
060 - cleopatra
061 - ENT
062 - lanalara
063 - cikgu_murni
064 - babyorange
065 - aurediajoy
066 - carrie_connie
067 - boti
068 - CikWaa
069 - Fazeel
070 - katabatik
071 - naj13
072 - kojek
073 - sweet_charcoals
074 - shashalicious
075 - damia76
076 - heartnsoul
077 - su77
078 - cikinto
079 - farah_fanz
080 - wani_ezryl
081 - pengkid
082 - Labeaute
083 - sinularia
084 - Waa Nee
085 - akakmanis
086 - inun
087 - juliazafri
088 - qila
089 - Mie
090 - illie85
091 -missgirl
092 - man1994
093 - akupunyepasal
094 - hironakamura76
095 - syafalicious
096 - miss_manja
097 - kak_ana63
098 - ayugiler
099 - btho
100 - lady13
101 - et_n
102 - mstalk
103 - caricom2006
104 - hantamal
105 - miss_anne
106 - S3Myx
107 - Dinah245
108 - lake
109 - abekawa
110 - misz aririza
111 - hidegulz
112 - mimi23
114 - rotigebu
115 - fahima80
116 - PrincessRiz
117 - dash78
118 - AuntieVogue
119 - muzlia
120 - rizna
121 - nuraya
122 - ophelia
123 - auntysms
124 - sheezels2308
125 - pikacun
126 - kimiola
127 - underwoodrockz
128 - ariz

Of Being one of the Angels

Penat ler pulak post panjang2 nih..sori ek angels..aku cam tak larat lak nak tulis pjg2 I'll make it short and sweet..heheh..mampu ke aku tulis pendek2 nih..

Lepas aku join pepari nih aku join pulak Riz's Angels..heheh..slalu masuk situ and lepak kat cb dia org..dia org nih pun happening..and mmg dia org nih le yg slalu wat gathering n tolong2 riz kalu berkaitan..pastu angels nih slalu pegi tgk riz wat persembahan kat mana2..pastu dia org tepek gambo n vc kat situ..dia org nih mmg sporting boleh ler aku menjamu mata kat situ..heheh..

And yg paling bestnya..riz selalu gak masuk sana and chatting2 kat cb..aku sempat ler chatting2 ngan dia wpun lately aku slalu terlepas..heheh..yg pasti kalu dia ada chatting2 slalunya dia terlepas pandang aku nihhh..muahaha..maybe sbb aku byk senyap dari bertanya kot..pastu tanya lak soklan yg tak rock..maner dia nak nampak kannn..heheh..tapi tak kisah ler..dia dah ada chatting2 pun dah hepi giler..overnyeeee..

Ok ler..rasa cam nak tulis lagi psl Angels nih tapi dah tak larat dah i think that's it..fuhhhh..penatnyaaaaa..heheh..malas ler aku nak baca balik n edit2 hentam jelahhhhh..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Country Music

Malam nih sebenarnya aku malas nak post apa2 tapi ntah mcm mana tak mengantuk ler pulak..ishhh..

So since I have nothing to do..why not merapu meraban jap kat sini..heheh..

Finally I'm back to normal after only hearing riz's songs lepas AF6 habis..over gitew..heheh..aku dah pasang balik CD lain dlm keta aku and skrg tengah ulang dengar lagu Dixie Chicks "Not Ready to Make Nice"..

Aku mula2 discovered them masa tgk Grammy Award arituh..and they were simply amazing!!!I was mesmerized by their performance and that was a record itself since it was the first time I've heard the song..of course I've heard of them before but being not much of a country music fan, I just didn't bother to listen to their music.. but I must say they vowed me ever's the clip of the song..jom karaoke!


Not Ready To Make Nice

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I'm still waiting

I'm through with doubt
There's nothing left for me to figure out
I've paid a price
And I'll keep paying

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should

I know you said
Can't you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it

I made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don't mind sayin'
It's a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Sayin' that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I'm still waiting

Another group that I'm so into at the moment is Rascall Flatts..I've heard of them first in American Idol I think..but as with Dixie Chicks I just couldn't be bothered..muahaha..but ntah macam mana boleh tersangkut dengar their songs and I've being a fan ever's the songs that I love:


What Hurts The Most

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That's what I was trying to do


Bless The Broken Road

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

Now I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

So what do you think? Aren't they simply amazing?

Monday, October 20, 2008

CS prize giving ceremony n dinner

Smlm aku terlibat ngan prize giving ceremony for CS..bhgian sambutan n protokol..jadi kul 6pm aku dah kuar rumah..sampai je semua ahkak2 opis aku yg terlibat sama semua dah ada..

Pastu kitorg sempat tgk rehearsal..pastu cucuk2 bunga manggar and then aku kena mekap n pakaikan costume org yg nak menyambut menteri tuh..muahaha..tak penah2 aku buat keja nih..hentam jelah..

Lepas siap cantik jugak keja keras tangan aku..heheh..

Pastukan mulalah bertaburan sekuntum demi sekuntum bebunga plastik kat sanggul sorang budak yg aku mekapkan nih atas tangga masa kitorang nak turun pegi ambik bunga manggar tuh..wakakaka..kan aku dah kata..serius aku memang nak tergelak dah masa tuh tapi control sebab dewan dah penuh masa tuh..hahaha

Pastu VIP pun sampai..seb baek sempat mekap2 bebudak tuh..punyalah berpeluh sampai habis cair mekap aku hoccay..heheh..pastu bila event tuh start best jugak lah..
actually menda nih macam dinner je..pas makan2 tuh baru start umum2 pemenang and then pemenang buat persembahan..masa tuh dewan senyap giler persembahan dia org..tabikkk bebbbbb..

Kat kul 11pm habis n aku pun ciao pulak rasa buat keja2 mcm nih..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Testing again

credit to heartnsoul..lappp u hearttt...

heheh..pengsan sekejap tgk vc nih..tenkiu, tenkiu heart dearie..

I simply lurveeeee this clip..

Thx qis 4 the you can see, org yg buta IT nih finally know how to tepek vcs from youtube..heheh

You can watch the rest of the vcs here at dear friend at pepari..

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well obviously as the title suggests I'm not in a good mood..why is it the superiors are always full of @#$%*! Memang sah tahun nih tahun yg malang bagi aku..for sure memang aku tak boleh tukar next year and because I dare to ask for transfer which by the way is my right anyway, the superiors already assigned me the task which was the reason why I asked for transfer in the first place..well..kalu betul ler kononnya takde org capable of doing my job, tahun depan aku malas dah nak buat rajin..don't get me wrong..I'll do my job the best I can cuma keja2 extra tuh aku dah malas ler..konon nak buat rajin sampai orang tak nak lepaskan kita apa kes... dahlah tambah macam2 lagi sebab aku berani mintak tukar..apa tuh..itu hak aku sebagai pekerja ler..cilakak punya olangg...uwaaaaa..mencikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Friday, October 17, 2008


Nak cuba upload gambo kat sini..smlm aku cuba tepek youtube kat sini tak arinih nak cuba tepek gambo lak..tgk jadi tak..heheh..

emmm..nak tepek gambo apa ek..sat i try okke..

muahaha..jadi ekk..baru nampak icon image ngan video kat atas tuh..apsal aku blur sgt smlm ek..mesti sbb smlm aku post dah lewat..

ok now I'll try tepekking video goes..

credit to riachannel

wahh jadi ke..

eh camner ek nak tepek youtube..yuhuuu pepari..ajarle i..heheh..maner ada org far as I know takde sorang pun tau i dah ada blog except for qis..heheh

sat I'll try tepek lagi a few pics of my fav singer..

ok..i think that's enoughhhh..

Bits and Pieces


Today i tak nak dah decided to go shopping. Called up my friend and we decided to go to the new mall yg semua org mcm dah pegi kecuali kita after maghrib bertolak ler kita..jauh jugak tempat tuh..dlm 37km..sampai je tgk besarlah jugak shopping mall tuh esp for my kampung yg tak pernah ada kedai sebesar itu..

I bought a nightie and a sweater for myself and then later we had our dinner at secret recipe..and then beli kek kat situ..lamanya aku tak merasa kek secret recipe nih, almaklumlah kat tempat aku mana ler ada kek canggih2 nih..heheh..i chose marble cheese cake..dlm sekelip mata that slice of cake bukan baru 2-3 hari lepas aku nak diet usual diet aku hilang di angin lalu..biasalah aku..

And then we planned to go to kay el 2 minggu lagi..yeahhhh..lamanya aku tak pegi kolumpo..harap2 bila kat sana aku tak jadi macam rusa masuk bandar lak..heheh..

Lagu Jiwang

I simply love ballad or dalam erti kata lain lagu jiwang or lagu tangkap mlm nih I decided to tepek the lyrics of my favourite jiwang songs..lagu2 mcm nih kdg2 boleh membuatkan I tangkap syahdu..wahhhh over gitu..jommm nyanyi sama2..

Toni Braxton » Unbreak My Heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The night are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss that pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry that tears
I cried so many, many nights
Un-break my

Un-break my heart
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on....

the next song is also by tony braxton


I heard he sang a lullaby
I heard he sang it from his heart
When I found out thought I would die
Because that lullaby was mine
I heard he sealed it with a kiss
He gently kissed her cherry lips
I found that so hard to believe
Because his kiss belonged to me

How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart

I heard here face was white as rain
Soft as a rose that blooms in May
He keeps her picture in a frame
And when he sleeps he calls her name
I wonder if she makes him smile
The way he used to smile at me
I hope she doesn't make him laugh
Because his laugh belongs to me

How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch may falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wish our love apart
How could an angel break my heart

Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
I'm trying to understand
Please help me

How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart

Ngantuk le dua lagu je dulu..actually wanted to upload vc from youtube tapi buat2 tak jadi le pulak..muahaha..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

After The Rain

On the day someone dear to me died I finally decided to have a blog.

It's more of a record so that I’ll remember the day you left when we heard the news in the morning suddenly it began to rain and I felt drainless..weightless..I was prepared for the worst ever since I got the bad news last night but it was still a shock..maybe because it happened so fast..when kak H informed me last night that you only had 3 more days to live I was in don’t let it happen to S..let a miracle happens..please..please oh please..surely this only happens in movies but not to us..not to S please..

Restless, I then decided to join my pepari friends and angels just to lighten up my mood..and I was right..our silly ramblings always cheer me up everytime..but still

And early this morning I got the news that you left us..before I even managed to see you at the hospital..It seemed Allah loves you more..

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham..Amin.