Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well obviously as the title suggests I'm not in a good mood..why is it the superiors are always full of @#$%*! Memang sah tahun nih tahun yg malang bagi aku..for sure memang aku tak boleh tukar next year and because I dare to ask for transfer which by the way is my right anyway, the superiors already assigned me the task which was the reason why I asked for transfer in the first place..well..kalu betul ler kononnya takde org capable of doing my job, tahun depan aku malas dah nak buat rajin..don't get me wrong..I'll do my job the best I can cuma keja2 extra tuh aku dah malas ler..konon nak buat rajin sampai orang tak nak lepaskan kita apa kes... dahlah tambah macam2 lagi sebab aku berani mintak tukar..apa tuh..itu hak aku sebagai pekerja ler..cilakak punya olangg...uwaaaaa..mencikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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