Friday, October 17, 2008


Nak cuba upload gambo kat sini..smlm aku cuba tepek youtube kat sini tak arinih nak cuba tepek gambo lak..tgk jadi tak..heheh..

emmm..nak tepek gambo apa ek..sat i try okke..

muahaha..jadi ekk..baru nampak icon image ngan video kat atas tuh..apsal aku blur sgt smlm ek..mesti sbb smlm aku post dah lewat..

ok now I'll try tepekking video goes..

credit to riachannel

wahh jadi ke..

eh camner ek nak tepek youtube..yuhuuu pepari..ajarle i..heheh..maner ada org far as I know takde sorang pun tau i dah ada blog except for qis..heheh

sat I'll try tepek lagi a few pics of my fav singer..

ok..i think that's enoughhhh..

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