so I'll accept my life as it is
I'll accept anything that comes my way
I won't let anything to pull me down the pit
I have come this far
not without scratches and deep wounds along the way
I won't let anything to pull me down into the dark holes that I've been before
I have to be strong
Not for anyone else but for me
Yes, for me alone..
I'll get by
Because this life, full of sorrow as it is,
is the only life I have
is the only life that I know
And I will celebrate life such as it is..

Note: All the pics were taken at Pantai Teluk Mak Nik this morning..somehow I think the pics are suitable with what I've written above..I don't know why..started to write something else but ended up with something totally different from what I had in mind..oh well..sometimes life does get to you..
Since you only have ONE life to live on... why dont makes yourself happy all the time instead of sadness to fill up the ONLY time you have in your life?... Life no take two... every pasted second will not come back...
dear star sapphire..
if u know me, u will see that i'm a happy kinda person..people always say that my laughs always make them laugh too..well, at least smile..and that's why i said i'll celebrate life..coz no matter what, i will always be happy with what i have..
anyway, thanks for your comment..i appreciate it..
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