Fav pic of the moment
credit to azlandaniel..thx lannnn..
Wahhh..tengok tuh..tajuk macam annual report syarikat lakk..skema semacam..heheh..
So tomorrow I have to leave the house as early as 6.45 a.m. for Kuala Ibai. There's a big event at the office tomorrow but tetiba jer I have to attend another event at Kuala Ibai..but in a way its a mixed blessinglah since if I am at the office for sure I have to be the coolie..heheh..no lah.. each of us was kelam kelibut tadi buat rehearsal semua and even though I soo wanted to be there (yolah tuuu..) I rather be somewhere else far, far away..muahaha..hopefully we'll arrive there before 9 a.m. since I heard that traffic will be heavy with macam2 event berlangsung because of the Terengganu Endurance tuh..
And talking about the Endurance tuh..memula tuh memang rasa macam nak pegi becauseeeeee.... cuba korang tekaaaa ada apa kat sanerrrrr..yessss..ada rizzzzzzz.. but since on Saturday I have to be at the office for another event..yessss..another one.. hishhhh..and on Friday I have to go to Kuantan nak servis keta so cancel ler plan nih..dah ler Endurance tuh kat Lembah Bidong, Setiu yg jauhnya sama je cam I pegi Kl last week..and latest news tak tau riz jadi tak kat situ sebab clash ngan Hotfm punya show kat Sg Petani..so better not take that risk..and lagi satu as my boss pernah tanya kitorang..mana lebih penting..kerjaya or diri sendiri..so sebagai pekerja yang gemilang terbilang bla bla bla tuh I utamakan ler keja dulu..ngadenye..
Eh btw kalu ai pegi pun tgk riz tuh ai pegi as undercover agent okke..and amek gambo dari jauh jer..ai takkan pegi dekat punya..muahaha..ai phobia sket bab2 nihh..sket kerrrrr..bukan banyakkkk..muahaha..Eh dah 3 kali weekends I ada life..tak sangkaaa..heheh..
And uols..there's another pic of riz that I like..Lan..cilok satu lagi gambo boleeee..bole ekk..tenkiuuuuu..muahhhhh..
Erkkk..nih fansite ke apa nihhh..bukan personal blog ke..heheh..
P/s: So US creates history today..congrats Obama!
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