So it's a new beginning of my life...
Got my wish granted a couple of days ago. Was so happy because didn't expect it. All of them said that my application was rejected so I sort of given up hope altogether. So I certainly didn't expect it...kena buat pulut kuning nanti tanda kesyukuran...
I'll be moving to another branch which is very near my house early next year. It's not that my office is that far... just 21 km from my house. It's just that I have to go to the office at nights and almost every weekend there's work to be done there. So I decided to ask for transfer... there's no harm isn't it in doing that? Kalau tak dapat tak apa...At least I tried...And that's what I did and what do you know...suddenly all the bosses treated me like a leper...macam hinanya aku just because I asked for transfer. I've had it disindir2 masa meeting oleh my bosses...ayat2 seperti "hah nanti kalau awak tak dapat tukar siaplah awak...banyaklah kerja yang kami bagi kat awak"..."awak utamakan diri awak..awak pentingkan diri sendiri..bla bla bla..." Pedihnya telinga aku masa itu tapi terima ajelah..I just sort of resigned to the situation...redha je...sometimes I wonder sia-siakah pengorbanan aku selama ini...selama ini dipuji tapi bila jadi macam ni dikeji...and then I heard that they called up those in charge of the transfer and asked them not to release me...masa tu aku memang dah patah semangat tapi aku pujuk diri sendiri...
They did change their tune lately...asking me to rethink my decision...of how difficult it is to find anyone to replace me...of how they still need my service..asking me to stay on another if I care anymore...and then came this good news...alhamdulillah...I'm so thankful...syukur sangat2...
It has not been easy for me these few years doing something that I really had to force myself into. How I've wept gallons of tears at leaving's not leaving KL but leaving the job that I really, really love...something that I really love doing, because of family obligations...leaving close friends I wasted a year of my life after that just feeling sorry with myself and regretting my moment of weakness in agreeing to do something totally against my nature.
But I've promised myself no more regrets. Live life to the fullest... cliche I know but that's what I intend to do...I'm enjoying life now. There are so many things going on in my mind at present..I'll miss my colleagues certainly...but I'll be starting a new chapter in my life...and I have my virtual friends who keeps me sane...heheh..sane ke insane...
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