Saturday, December 20, 2008

True Blue

I'm feeling out of sorts these couple of days... I sometimes get into this pensive mood that would left me all depressed and melancholy and I can't seem to shake myself out of it...oh seems I'm human after all...

Oh to be a child again
where everything was so innocent
where life was so uncomplicated
where I didn't have a care in the world
Then I won't be in this sombre mood
and thinking of what ifs...

Only I can come up with such crap poem in this mood...heheh..


Anonymous said...


I get that most of the time for reasons I couldn't comprehend...
I guess it's normal, in a way...
Like they said, 'whoever said that
sunshine brings happiness has never dance in the rain'!
Yeah, sometimes, rainy days and mondays are signs of 'normal' people.
Whatever! muahahaha!

harmdone7 said...

hi madam lake... ambo mari sini quite often but didn't have time yet to explore your earlier posts... kek pisang tu bukan jadi bingka ke.... i remember a junior in school was called 'bingka hangus' because of her uneven, dark complexion... but she was one of the most happening. hangbag tu boleh i pinjam satu?

lake said...


glad i'm not the only one who has this mood swings...thought i'm turning into a psychopath or something..heheh..

but biler dah kertu ni dah ok i know how to handle this unlike masa memuda dulu I tend to alienate people around me! darah muda katakan!

lake said...


slalu masuk sini need to read my earlier posts...bukan ada apa2 pun...merapu jer banyak...kan muntah hijau...heheh...

erkk..i ader mengumpat psl u ke in my earlier posts? kena check i wonder telling u abt this blog is such a good idea after all...hiks..

eh u bole komen psl my horrible english...i don't mind...heheh..bingka pisang ke..ramai yg ckp mcm i the only one yg tak tau ader kuih nama bingka pisang? muahaha..