Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This post is dedicated to my fans...eh I mean my readers (readers ke reader...heh) yg masih lagi setia and sanggup baca yesterday's posting...i lap u guysssss so much :) Sempena dengan itu, ai tujukan lagu ni khas buat korang...

Laaa...kensel sbb youtube lembap yg amatz...nak copy video embed code macam menanti buah yg tak gugur2...heheh betul tak perumpaan ni...tapi ok ler...uols mesti bole guess vc sapa I nak tepek kat sini...kan muntah ijau lakkk...ekekke...so terimalah poem yg ntah sapa tulis ni...ai copy paste sajorkkkk...


Lina said...

yay!!! Lake dah balik..Lake dah balik..berebut nak jadi pengkomen yang pertama..ramai lagi berbaris tuh!

sweetyaya@sweetrussyaya said...

erk...u ok ke lake? Tetiba terajin nie. Terkejut den. Apa2 pun...nice poem. Ai likeeeeee.

ina said...

ai pun suke poem tu.. :)

lake said...

Hi Lina...erkkk sapa lina nih? heheh...takpe...ai tak kesah asalkan ada gak orang nak komen kat siniiiii..tenkiu :)

hello gurgurl...rajin sekejap jer kekdahnyer...lepas situ datang balik penyakit MALAS...ekekke

Thanks Qis...nanti ai karang poem khas buat qis okehhhhh...heheh